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Conservation Commission Minutes 2008/04/02
Sunapee Conservation Commission Minutes   April 2, 2008

Present: Van Webb, Roger Whitaker, Bob Hill, Rem Mastin, and Tim Fleury

Minutes from 3/4/08 meeting – minutes were review and accepted as written.

1)  LCIP monitoring:
Steve Walker from Conservation Land Stewardship Program (CLS) highlighted the changes in personnel at CLS program.  Tracy Boisvert (formerly of DES) is now head of program.  Walker then distributed new paperwork and filing system to be utilized in monitoring Land Conservation Investment Program (LCIP) properties in Sunapee.  He also described how use an Excel spreadsheet to list protected properties in Sunapee.  The folks are CLS have also developed a package of materials which they send to new landowners of LCIP properties in effort to reduce potential conflicts with easement restrictions.  Sample copies are available for Towns to use as well.

There are 2 LCIP properties in Sunapee (Webb and Johnson).  Sunapee is doing a good job monitoring these landholdings.  Anita Blakeman work with Con Com to review these easements annually.  Walker tries to visit these same landholdings every 5 or 6 years as well.  Webb brought up a boundary encroachment on an LCIP parcel by an abutting landowner.  Walker described the process for addressing the encroachment.  The LCIP landowner is responsible for rectifying situation but Walker will visit area to check on situation and follow up with a letter to the abutting landowner drawing attention to the problem.  Walker showed samples of LCIP boundary signs which could be used to avoid some problems.  He also stressed the judicious placement of these signs.  Fleury asked who is responsible for monitoring the NH Fish and Game easement on Dobles Road.  Walker said he would look into it.

2)  Natural Resource Inventory (NRI):
Webb introduced Rachel Ruppel from the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission (UPLSRVC).   Rachel is a Geographic Information Systems Analyst for UVPC.  Webb asked her to meet with Sunapee Con Com to talk about how UVLSRPC can help Sunapee prepare a Natural Resource Inventory for inclusion in the new Master Plan.  She describe what information is typically included in basic NRI and showed some sample maps from the NRI of Unity which she is completing.  

A discussion of cost ensued.  Ruppel highlighted that basic NRI would cost $5,000 to $6,000 with mylar overlays and written description of inventory.  She would be able to complete project in 2 to 3 months.  In addition to maps UVLSRPC would digital copies (CD’s) of all materials, including PDF’s and shape files in ARCMAP 9.2 format.  Ruppe mentioned that UVLSRPC has done a base map for the Sunapee Planning Board which needs to be checked for accuracy.  She will also check to see what other maps might have been prepared.  

Webb asked about what the cost for Conservation Plan.  Discussion ensued about what data would be needed and prioritizing the co-occurrence map, as well as possible costs.  It was decided that we need to complete the basic NRI first before undertaking Conservation Plan.  Webb also asked about whether UVLSRPC was available to help write the Land Use section of the master plan.  Ruppel answered that Peter Dzewaltowski could be contracted to write the Land Use section of the master plan.  Webb said to would contact him to have a general discussion about his services.  

Webb asked Ruppel to prepare a proposed contract for her services in completing a basic NRI for Sunapee.  Webb will present idea and proposed contract to Board of Selectman.  Webb will clarify whether Board of Selectman can sign contract or whether Con Com can vote on approval of funding at next meeting.  

3)  Sawyer’s Trail:
Webb passed around copies of final brochure of Sawyer’s Trail at Dewey’s Woods.  Hill made a motion to pay invoice for $84.00 for copies of Sawyer’s Trail brochure.  Mastin seconded motion.  Motion approved 4-0.

Webb passed around copies of trail signs and station maker for placement on Sawyer’s Trial.  Mastin made a motion to pay invoice of $180.55 for trail markers payable to Norsk Outdoors.  Motion passed 4-0.  

4)  Treasurer’s Report:
Conservation Commission Fund has a current balance of $129,175.40.  This balance reflects a deposit of $45,940 in January.

5)  Burdett Resignation:
Bruce Burdett has resigned after 17 years of service to the Sunapee Conservation Commission.  The Conservation Commission is working on an appropriate gesture of thanks for Burdett’s long service to the Town of Sunapee.  Motion was made by Fleury to write formal thank you letter to Burdett.  Whitaker seconded.  Motion passed 5-0.  

There is now a vacancy on the Committee which needs to be filled.  Mastin, Fleury and Webb begin review of wetlands permits to find best method handling application in wake of Burdett’s resignation.

6)  Review of Mail:
Motion was made to Mastin to pay $500 for Sunapee Con Com membership to Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust.  Hill seconded.  Motion passed 5-0.   

Motion was made by Whitaker with Mastin seconding to pay NH Association of Conservation Commission Annual Dues for $225.  Motion carried 5=0.

The following wetlands Non-Site Specific permit approvals were received form NH DES:  Hopeman Living Trust (Map 125, Lot 29); Anne Fisher Revocable Trust (Map 107, lot 32), Thomas Krieger (Map 120, Lot 30), and Sunapee Harbor West Club (Map 128, Lot 53).