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Advisory Budget Committee Minutes 2010/1213
Budget Advisory Committee Minutes 2010/12/13
A meeting of the Budget Advisory Committee (BAC ) of the Town of Sunapee, NH, was held on December 13, 2010 at 3:00 pm at the town offices meeting room.

Members Present:
Spec Bowers, Chairman
Shane Hastings
Charlie Smith
Ken Meyer

Also present as guests were:   None

Members Absent:  None

Spec Bowers call the meeting to order at 3 pm.  
Spec started out by summarizing the First Draft of the school budget.  This had a 4.99% increase.  Then we moved on to the second draft.  This has a 2.8% increase.  This was done by cutting a teacher position to a 1/3 time, and also with various other things.
Next we talked about the Blodgett House.  Spec had asked the BAC Members to come up with lists of Pros and Cons in regards to the Blodgett house project.
Pros were
  • Looks Good
  • Is a asset to the town
  • Will settle the SAU’s office problems
  • Access to the back of the school Property
  • Extra office space
Cons were
  • Cost
  • Is a liability
  • Tax payers have already said no
  • Loss of tax dollar
  • Not completed and need more money
  • Cost to maintain building and grounds
  • Cost of heating and cooling
Then we discussed the planned Warrant Article asking to spend another $135000 on the Blodgett house.  We decided to go back to the School Board and request that the change the wording to say that this money will finish the project.  If they do this then the BAC will recommend this Article.  Spec is to relay this request to the School Board along with talking to them about HAS accounts as a way to lower the budget in the future.
The meeting was Adjourned at 4:15 pm.