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Advisory Budget Committee Minutes 2010/04/07
Sunapee Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes Date April 7, 2010
Present: Van Webb, Robert Hill, Rem Mastin, Bruce Burdett, Roger Whitaker, Lela Emery, Tim Fleury
SCC members met with the Sunapee Recreation Department which included Scott Blewitt, Paul Skarin, Patricia Halpin, Melissa Eastman, Craig Henault, One other member name not know. The two groups met to review the short term and long term plans for Ski Tow Hill. Scott provided copies of a Ski Tow Hill Future Goals 2009 list as Van Webb prepared a list of items for discussion for the Harry Tilton Park. Both copies are on file with the SCC secretary.
The immediate plans for the property are to have a kiosk built to highlight the SRKG trail. The Rec Committee will create Park guidelines which will be posted. Van Webb suggested that they get a policy in place on accepting gifts with a vision of all goals and their vision for future projects. SCC will help with the Ski Tow Hill in regards to hazardous tree removal and will work on the over mature apple trees and make an assessment from there as to additional work and will prioritize. SCC would like to be kept in the loop with regards to the Rec Committees plans for Ski Tow Hill and will designate a delegate to attend their meetings. Signage for Ski Tow Hill so far will be Harry Tilton, Lynn Peirce Memorial Playground, and the SRKG Kiosk. The Kiosk will be kept similar to the others located on town properties. Portapoties will be placed on the property for the short term with a long term plan of a facility in 1-3 years. Septic design may be a composting system. Vandalism concerns are not high and hoping worst case cleaning up some paint, not much ever reported in town. Maybe when tree work is done on the town property the wood can be donated to a local family for a fuel/heat source. Recreation Committee will review the town forest policy and will create a policy for the Harry Tilton Park. The Recreation Department will apply to the State of NH for a grant for the bathroom on Ski Tow Hill. SCC will request bids from a couple Tree Companies for the work to be done on Ski Tow Hill. Once those are in hand SCC will coordinate a meet at the property with the Rec Committee to review plans. Sunapee has four locations currently for Geo Cashing. Rec Committee has offered if there is anything the SCC would like to put in the seasonal newsletter to let Scott know. Donna will be brought in to the plans by the Recreation Committee and Scott will come back to the SCC in June or July. SCC and the Recreation Committee accept the goals presented and are a good addition the two lists will be combined to enhance each goal as put forth by each committee.  
Tim Fleury made the motion authorizing the Sunapee Conservation Commission to pledge but not to exceed the amount of $15,000 to fund the playground on Ski Tow Hill. The discussion notes that the Recreation Committee needs to continue fundraising and the SCC will contribute the balance shortage. SCC will vote on the final number needed by the Recreation Committee after fundraising deadline has been met. All in favor 7, opposed 0 abstained 0.
Van will find builders to submit bids for the Kiosk for the Ski Tow Hill property so that there is some continuity. Tim will seek bids for the tree work on Ski Tow Hill.
Anita Blakeman is working on boundary lines for the property.

SCC will plan a walk with Beth from ASLPT and Clayton Platt  on the Ledge Pond property from Meadow Brook Road for 3 pm on Wednesday, April 28th with a back up date of Thursday April 29th also at 3pm. Clayton Platt’s survey does comply with ASLPT. SCC will move forward with the easement process for Ledge Pond. Clayton and Beth are working together so all the documentation is correct and current. Clayton will contact the Dashner Family regarding the trail. This needs to be resolved prior to an easement, after an easement is in place a land swap can not take place.

Field Stone Hills on Trow Hill Road Sunapee – The work will continue once the roads are no longer posted. Charlie Hirschberg will try and flag the lot – open space being deeded to the Town of Sunapee. The title is not yet ready.

Rem Mastin made the motion to accept the Minutes of the Sunapee Conservation Commission meeting dated March 3, 2010 as written. All in Favor 7, Opposed 0, Abstained 0.


DES Letter to Bob Bell dated March 12, 2010 outlining violations on the Rt 11, Trow Hill Road property from the October 2009 work. RSA 482-A Wetlands, RSA 485-A17 Alteration of Terrain. Summary of work to be done. SCC no action required.

DES Letters of Application receipt and Approval were received for Martha Robb, 436 Jobs Creek Road, Sunapee, NH M/L 113/13. SCC no action required.

DES letters of Application receipt and Approval were received for Lake Sunapee Protection Association 63 Main St, Sunapee, NH. M/L 133/25 SCC no action required.

DES letters of Application receipt and Approval were received for Michael Hansen, 42 Ridgewood Road, Sunapee. M/L 113/27. SCC no action required.

SCC received a thank you letter from ASLPT for the $500 2010 donation.

DES letter requesting additional information for Chris Smith, 342 Bay Point Road, Sunapee NH. M/L 146/52. SCC no action required.

SCC members reviewed the account balances in the 4 Conservation Accounts.