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Advisory Budget Committee Minutes 2010/01/11
Town of Sunapee, NH
Monday January 11, 2010
A meeting of the Budget Advisory Committee (the “BAC”) of the Town of
Sunapee, NH, was held on January 11, 2010 at 3:00pm at the town offices meeting
Members Present:
Spec Bowers, chair
Ken Mayer
Charlie Smith
Shane Hastings
Rich Duperey
Also Present as guests were:
Members Absent:
Call to Order
Spec Bowers called the meeting to order 3:10pm and Richard Duperey recorded
the minutes. A quorum of members was present, and the meeting, having been duly
convened, was ready to proceed with business.
Old Business:
Minutes from the December 21th 2009 were reviewed by the committee and
accepted, as presented.
New Business:
Spec Bowers updated the other BAC members on a meeting he had with the
school superintendent and the school board chairman on December 22, 2009. Spec
discussed with them the BAC’s recommendations on the school budget, as previously
discussed and approved by the BAC.
Spec offered the “step raises” issue as included in the proposed teacher’s
contract as a topic of discussion. After some discussion it was agreed that the BAC not
offer a recommendation issue.
Members of the BAC discussed some of their observations during their tours,
which were taken in October and November 2009. The BAC had toured the following
Highway Department
Transfer Station
Public Safety Center
Abbott Library
Wastewater Treatment Plant
Elementary School
Middle/High School
Blodgett House
Sherburne Gym
Generally, the BAC’s impression of the town’s employees and facilities viewed
during the tours was very favorable. The BAC’s impressions were that our town’s
department heads and employees attempt to be as efficient as possible with the
resources available to them.
The next item of business discussed was the renovation of the Blodgett House.
After review of the current estimate prepared by Northcape Design, the BAC
recommends rejecting the project as presented. The square-foot costs for renovation
appears extremely expensive and creates the need to explore more economical
The BAC also recommends that projects/proposals presented in the future
contain estimates of annual operating costs of the project.
The last item of business discussed was the “Rough Draft” of the BAC Annual
Report. Committee members offered suggestions and corrections to the draft, leaving it
to Spec to finalize the document.
In the absence of any expected future business items, it was decided not to
schedule another meeting at this time.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was
adjourned at 4:48pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Richard R Duperey, Recording Secretary