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Advisory Budget Minutes 2014/11/26
Sunapee Budget Advisory Committee (BAC)
Meeting Minutes

Meeting held on 11/26/14 at Safety Services Building Meeting Room

Meeting called to order at 8:10 am

John Augustine, Chair
Don Bettencourt
Spec Bowers

Topics of Discussion

  • Shared thoughts on 11/19 work session with school board/administration.
  • Discussed next steps regarding school budget process & interactions with school board/administration.
  • Discussed logistics associated with 12/1 presentation to Board of Selectmen (BOS).
  • Discussed goal(s) of 12/1 BOS presentation.
  • Reviewed first draft of 12/1 BOS presentation, determined supporting data needs, and discussed revisions to incorporate into next draft.
Action and Follow-up items

  • Develop second draft of 12/1 BOS presentation.
  • Meet as a committee on 12/1 to review presentation and share thoughts/ideas on any additional revisions desired before presentation that evening.
  • Request additional data from school administration (e.g., warrant articles, revenue pages from previous years).
  • Document ideas to improve summary information in school budget binder.
  • Analyze town wage & benefit data and develop insights.
  • Analyze school wage & benefit data and develop insights.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:35 am.