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Conservation Commission Minutes 2009/11/04
Sunapee conservation commission Meeting Minutes November 4, 2009
Present: Van Webb, Roger Whitaker, Rem Mastin, Robert Hill, Lela Emery, Tim Fleury
Absent: Bruce Burdett

Sunapee Recreation Members – Paul Skarin, Chuck Weinstein, and Scott Blewitt were present to inform the SCC of the pursuit of fields on Dewey Woods parcel across the street from the present field. Scott Blewitt Sunapee Recreation Director expressed the need for additional multi-purpose, multi-seasonal athletic fields in town. The test pits done on the area of the present baseball field show the water table is too high to expand the existing area with digging down and pushing out in the area around the field. A letter is on file from the Society of the Protection of New Hampshire Forests dated 10/30/09 to Van Webb regarding Dewey Woods and more fields. Sunapee Recreation is hoping to begin stages of engineering study for future development. Warrant Articles would be involved by the Recreation Committee regarding the development. VW asked if there was an estimate of the cut and fill requirements yet. None as of yet. The idea of placing fields on the aerial photo to see if they would fit was discussed. SRC has requested estimates on conceptual plans. Safety is still a big concern. Is there an idea of how much square footage is needed - wishes are to acquire a soccer field, baseball/multi purpose field and parking for 50-75 cars. How much area would be disturbed? Reply- approximately 4 acres. Some feel it may be a higher impact. This project would be happening at the same time as the proposal on Ski Tow Hill. Access to the fields would be via Seven Hearths Lane. Dave Thibodaux, Headmaster of MT Royal Academy, was present to show support for the project. Overflow parking could use the school and the school would help fund and solicit donations. Tim Fleury made the motion to approve the Sunapee Recreation Committee request to seek an engineering study and conceptual plan for fields at Dewey Woods. Motion was seconded by Robert Hill. All in Favor 6, Opposed 0.

Robert Bell was present to discuss the Ledge Pond parcel options. Several SCC members, Robert Bell, Beth MacGuinn from ASLPT, and member of the community. Mr. Bell brought copies of a map of the parcels surrounding Ledge Pond. Mr. Bell is offering 3 acre parcel to the Town of Sunapee in exchange for the Town owned parcel referred to as the Gore Lot on Ledge Pond. The motive for the swap is public access is not wanted on Keyes Road which is a private road which is the only access point for the Gore Lot. The map also shows an additional 15 acre proposal open space requirement to give as open space in preparation for future plans. SCC asked is the 15 acres enough to satisfy town requirements. Mr. Bell says 17 acres is probably more like the amount as this is just a conceptual first run. Process for the swap is a Planning Board meeting to discuss the proposal, Town meeting process, appraisals need to be done. Bob Bell will go to the Planning Board and the Select board with plans. Pros and Cons of swap – loss access for physically challenged, perceptions issues with do the swap then the parcel is developed reflection on the CC, could expand on the Meadow Brook Road end to make it more accessible for the disabled. Bob Bell offered his equipment for the project. SCC members will walk the parcels involved in the swap.

Anita Blakeman was present to present and discuss the 2010 and beyond project proposal schedule. Treatment Plant Road – water removal easement, quick deed from the Town of Sunapee to the Sunapee Springs Water, SCC will need seek legal opinion as to where we stand in the process and what we actually have for rights, access or ownership.

LCIP tire dump – Jolyn Johnson neighbor has a tire dump encroaching Jolyn's property. Jolyn’s son has removed the tires. Steve Walker has been notified and will take a look as he passes through the area. State reported the problem.

Copies of letters showing LCIP monitoring annual reports and letters to owners for 2008, 2009 have been sent to SCC for our records.

Ski Tow Hill Lot – Anita will check the upper line again if she can not locate it we will have it surveyed.

Anita submitted a bill for $2001.00 invoice #MMIX02.1 dated 11/4/09 for worked performed.

Robert Hill made the motion to accept the minutes from the Sunapee Conservation Commission Meeting for October 2009.

Penney Royal Land Survey submitted a bid for surveying the Gore Lot and the remote parcel of Ledge Pond. SCC members will approve the bid and modify the specifics as needed. Tim Fleury made the motion to approve the preliminary survey cost of $2,650 for the proposed work on Ledge Pond. Rem Mastin seconded the motion. All in favor 6, Opposed 0.

Tim Fleury made the motion to pay the invoice for Anita Blakeman of $2001.00 and to request a breakdown of the work and time recorded for the present invoice as well as future work performed for the Sunapee Conservation Commission. Seconded by Roger Whitaker. All in favor 6, opposed 0.

SCC is going to review options for soliciting bids for work on future projects.

DES Complaint File 2009-02246 for Robert Bell Rt 11 & 74 Trow Hill Road, Tax map 210-211 6 & 61 SCC no action required.

DES notification of receipt for Robert Needham, Scotts Cove Road Sunapee 120/18 Otter Pond Yacht Club, 130 Palazzi Pond Rd, Sunapee 102/2 SCC no action required.

DES Permit by Notification William, Ruth Berlinger, 23 Birch Point Rd, Sunapee, Rebuild crib. Action required – SCC sign off / Rem Mastin

DES Minimum Impact Expedited Application – Upham Trust, Boston Trust, Investment Management , 122 Fernwood Pt, Sunapee Action required – SCC sign off/Rem Mastin

Town Boundaries walk about – Tim Fleury will perambulate the town of sunapee and the town of New London bordering town line Sunday at 9am.