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Conservation Commission Minutes 2009/05/06

Sunapee Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes 5/6/09
Present: Van Webb, Roger Whitaker, Rem Mastin, Tim Fleury, Robert Hill, Lela Emery
Absent: Bruce Burdett

4/1/09 Minutes will be reviewed and accepted at the June meeting.

There will be a correction in the minutes regarding a description in the project of Cooper Properties on Rt 11. Standard Dredge and Fill application looked at by the SCC members at the April meeting.

Conaty, William and Sue DES notification application denied. No action required.
Reconsideration request submitted 4/28/09 no action required by SCC.

Indian Cave Association – DES requesting more information. SCC no action required.

Donald McCree, 17 Kervan Rd, NY 10580, 312 Jobs Creek Road, Sunapee. DES accepted application with restrictions. SCC no action required.

Treasurers Report – Copy of current Budget received as well as copy of the bank statements for the following accounts.
        Bartlett Tyler CD $47,234.00 (look into rate and maturity options)
        Town Forest Fund $5,099.90
        Dewey Woods $1,573.42
        Conservation Commission Fund $143,197.29
Review interest rates for interest options on $120,000 of the CCF

Review of Ski Tow Hill meeting – SCC will stay in the loop with the Recreation committee’s plans as well as planning on attending meetings future project meetings.  

Ledge Pond – Beth Macquin and several board members hiked around Ledge Pond. SCC considers putting an easement on Ledge Pond. We would need to start process at the town meeting in March. Master Plan – Discussion conservation easement Gore Lot of Ledge Pond opportunities to invite educate and target owners and other residents. Have ASLPT strategize and give ideas on how to inform the public before it is too late. Master Plan CC initiate protection of the North West Corner of town, Perkins Pond, water shed into Croydon, hold educational meetings. Protect all town land.  

Explore possibility of easement on Ledge Pond – Solve property lines with Dashner. Investigate options to relocate the road to accommodate the boundary. SCC will explore and pursue a conservation easement on Ledge Pond. Van will talk to Donna Nashawaty and gather more information and feed back on the project.

Master Plan – SCC members will review a draft of the Master Plan at their next meeting June 3, 2009. The Plan will then be presented to the Planning Board. Review the draft with Rachel and Peter of the UV.

Questions have been presented regarding the project on Rt 11, by Trow Hill Road. SCC Board will ask Roger Landry regarding permits for the project and culverts. What is the permit the project is operating under? DES altering terrain law changed 1/1/09.

Gore Lot Pins need to be located and marked. Contact Peirre Beddard.