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Conservation Commission Minutes 2009/02/04
Sunapee Conservation Commission Meeting February 4, 2009

Present: Van Webb, Tim Fleury, Roger Whitaker, Robert Hill, Bruce Burdett, Lela Emery
Absent: Rem Mastin

Charlie Hirshberg was present to review a project for McCree at 312 Jobs Creek Road. Tax Map 120, Lot 23. Mr. Hirshberg is submitting a Minimum Impact Expedited Application for this project. The project involves the construction of a 4 ‘ wide natural stone water access steps and repairs to an existing loose stone retaining wall and removal of a few small boulders that have fallen off the existing retaining wall into the beach area.
All work shall be performed during low water levels. Impact area 100 sf +/- length of impact along shoreline 14.5 ft +/-.

Tim Fleury made the motion to authorize Chairman Van Webb to sign off on the expedited application provided no changes have been made to the project as proposed to the SCC when it arrives to the Town for a signature. Seconded by Bruce Burdett All in favor 6. Opposed 0.

Hunt, Joseph and Helen, Lake Ave, Map 128, Lot 70. Permit by Notification for repair on an existing crib supported boat house in-kind with no change in size location or configuration. Action required: sign permit. Robert Hill made the motion that the SCC sign off on the permit. (VW) Seconded by Tim Fleury.

Conaty, William & Sue, 105 Lake Ave, Map 128 Lot 66 Standard Dredge and Fill for a seasonal boat lift with a canopy. Action required: sign permit. Bruce Burdett made the motion that the SCC sign off on the permit. (VW) Seconded by Tim Fleury.

No word on the Spero project. SCC wrote a letter with the applications expressing the SCC concerns and questions on the project. Tax map 106 Lot 43.

Tim Fleury made the motion to approve the minutes from January 7, 2009 meeting as written. Seconded by Robert Hill. All in favor 6. Opposed 0.

Peter with UVLSRPC will come to the Planning Board meeting 2/19/09 with the Conservation Commission to review the Natural Resources chapter in the Master Plan.
Tim Fleury made the motion to expend funds from the Conservation Commission Fund to pay the UVLSRPC for the planning services & proposal of the Natural Resource chapter for the Master Plan contingent on a submitted quote by UVLSRPC. (Estimate $1,500-$2,500) Seconded by Roger Whitaker. All in favor 6, Opposed 0.

SCC would like to receive a copy for review of the Town of Newbury Conservation Plan.

Warrant Article for the SCC has been approved for $15,000.00

A request for a key to the Ledge Pond gate from an abutter to gain access to a land locked lot is being reviewed by Donna Nashawaty.

The January 2009 meeting with the Board of Selectman and Robert Bell with the Conservation Commission was reviewed. The meeting was summed up with a motion from Fred Gallup that they table any further activity until a comprehensive plan is drawn up.  SCC will work toward a conservation outcome.