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Conservation Commission Minutes 2010/10/06
Sunapee Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes October 6, 2010
Present: Van Webb, Rem Mastin, Bruce Burdett, Lela Emery, Tim Fleury, Roger Whitaker  Absent: Robert Hill

Paul Skarin and Scott Blewitt attended the meeting to review the playground finances. SCC members were concerned with the final balance due for the contribution on behalf of the playground. Currently the SCC’s contribution is $11,421.13.  At the time the funds were approved SCC members believed, based on meetings with the Recreation Committee, that the actual number would be zero due to the fact that fundraising was on-going. SCC made the contribution to allow the equipment to be ordered so the Rec. Committee could stay on their target date for a grand opening celebration. The contribution was voted on in good faith that fundraising was continuing and the actual number would be down to zero as the fundraising goal was going to be $125,000, which more than surpasses the playground cost.

The SCC members commented on the success of the project and impressive draw and usage the property has invited.  The SCC was disappointed that the Recreation Committee was not able to cover the playground cost. Roger Whitaker added that we are the Conservation Commission and Conservation funds should not be buying playground equipment. Paul Skarin agreed.  Paul Skarin asked the question that if SCC offered $15,000 and expected to pay 0, is there a number between the two that the SCC would contribute. The SCC members agreed that there is a number and they would need to discuss it. Bruce Burdett said that he had a number in mind and asked if he could say his amount. Bruce Burdett said his number is $5,000. The five thousand is the amount the conservation would contribute to the project as a town committee and town project support. The Conservation commission will have a motion to approve and pay the present bill to clear the playground cost.

Scott said he thought the SCC had not fulfilled their offers to do work up on Tilton Park, with regards to glades, trees, pruning etc. Van explained that the SCC had not been updated on the progress or what the financial responsibility for the playground was, and felt the SCC could not make anymore financial investment until final costs were known. The SCC feels the investment in Tilton Park is not over and it will be an ongoing commitment from all involved.  Scott felt that the SCC has been critical of him from the beginning and that the SCC has not been happy or satisfied with anything he has done. Tim explained that what we see and what we would like to have happen have been separate things and that makes us uncomfortable. Van added that before one launches a program there should be policies in place to set precedents.

The future costs were discussed; maintenance items such as mulch or vandalism will come from the Recreation Committee budget. Items that will need to be replaced in time will come from the Pierce’s Fund. Tim made the comment that this park is on Town Land and the property has rules that need to be observed. The SCC also represents the town’s people and we need to ask questions so that we know what is going on and can answer questions. The question of insurance for all the activities was discussed and Scott informed the board that they are covered by the Towns policy.  

The Conservation Commission and the Recreation Committee are planning a cross over meeting for January 2011.

Tim Fleury made the motion to remove $11,421.13 from the Conservation Commission fund to pay for the Playground. The motion was seconded by Rem Mastin. All in favor 5, Opposed 1, Abstained 0

The motion was made by Rem Mastin to approve the September Minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Bruce Burdett. All in Favor 6, Opposed 0, Abstained 0

SCC members reviewed Treasurers report and expenditures for 2010 and the general budget which has a $393.50 available balance.

The Brochures will not be printed as the individual property sheets seem to be more popular than the brief overall Conservation Commission brochure. SCC would like to redo the existing brochures at some point in the future.

Ledge Pond update – the revamped version of the land swap map is still not acceptable. SCC needs to have an equal land swap acre for acre. Several members of the SCC will meet with Gary Dashner on Friday October 8th morning 9 am.

Tim Fleury made the motion for the expenditure not to exceed $450.00 for the appraisal of Lot 6 at Field Stone. Bruce Burdett seconded the motion. All in favor 5, Opposed 0, Abstained 1.  Field Stone Hills maybe a 2011 warrant article. Beth with ASLPT will write up language for the Lot 6 Field Stone Deed for the open space protection.

Rem Mastin gave the SCC members an update of the Scenic Byways meeting he attended 9/9/10. New maps, new signage is proposed. The group is looking to highlight areas of interest in three towns, Sunapee, Newbury, and New London.

Tim Fleury accepted the applications for the Conservation Commission members up for renewal. Bruce Burdett seconded the motion. Rem Mastin, Roger Whitaker, and Robert Hill. All in favor 4, opposed 0, abstained 0.

DES Permit by Notification for Albert W. Brown 26 Lovejoy Lane, Sunapee signed by Rem Mastin on behalf of the SCC.

DES Minimum Impact Expedited application for John and Carolyn Dietel, 220 Garnet Hill Road, Sunapee 122/19 signed by Rem Mastin on behalf of the SCC.

DES Minimum Impact Expedited application for Donald Ellwod 408 Baypoint Road Sunapee 146/37 signed by Rem Mastin on behalf of the SCC.

Many other DES notices of approval or additional information required. None of which require action on the part of the Sunapee Conservation Commission.