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Conservation Commission Minutes 2012/05/02
Sunapee Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes May 2, 2012
Present: Van Webb, Lela Emery, Tim Fleury
Absent: Robert Hill, Rem Mastin

Robert Henry (property owner) and Greg Kelley were present to review their project and Permit by Notification for 65 Lake Ave, Sunapee. The application is to repair an existing retaining wall after draw down in the winter. Impact 80 sq feet. Van signed on behalf of the SCC.

Wetland Permit application for Anne Seger and William McLaughlin, 58 Birch Point Rd, Sunapee. Replace exiting dock 60X60’. Rem Mastin signed on behalf of the SCC.

Permit by Notification for Donald and Gabrielle McCree 312 Jobs Creek Rd, Sunapee to repair retaining wall and add sand! Rem Mastin signed on behalf of the SCC.
Notice of incomplete paperwork received. SCC no action required.

PSNH Notification of utility maintence for the power lines in Sunapee, vegetation maintence on the right away. SCC no action required.

DES more information request for Carol and Joseph Maraldo 8 Hamel Rd Sunapee, 148/24. SCC no action required.

Tim Fleury made the motion to accept the minutes for April 4, 2012 with the right of way typo corrected. All in favor 3, Opposed 0.

Tim Fleury made the motion for the SCC to renew the annual membership with ASLPT for $500.00, funds to come from the membership line of the budget. Seconded by Van Webb. All in favor 3, Opposed 0

Tim Fleury made the motion for the SCC to pay the 2012 dues of $230.00 to the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions. Seconded by Van. All in favor 3, Opposed 0.

Wendall Marsh Project – An easement has been finalized on parcel one and parcel three. SCC members are reviewing plans to raise additional funding with the potential of selling property. Tim Fleury made the motion to have an appraisal done not to exceed the amount of $3,500 from the CCF on the Johnson parcels one and three of the Wendall Marsh Project. Seconded by Van Webb All in Favor 3, Opposed 0.

Bartlett Tyler Fund CD matures in June; SCC members would like the CD to only renew for 6 months instead of yearly.

Van will update Donna with our plans and ideas of the Conservation Project then he will go to the Select Board meeting to inform them of future plans and goals of the SCC.

Tim Fleury made the motion to approve the expenditure up to and not to exceed $2,000 to ASLPT towards time and research performed on the Johnson/Wendall Marsh Project thus far. Van seconded the Motion. All in favor 3, Opposed 0

Lela will replace trail maps and guides in the kiosks at Sawyers trail and Ledge Pond.