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Conservation Commission Minutes 2012/04/04
Sunapee Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes for April 4, 2012
Present: Tim Fleury, Van Webb, Rem Mastin, Robert Hill, Lela Emery

Treasurers Report:
Conservation Commission Fund, $232,837
Dewey Woods $1,594.00
Bartlett Tyler $48904
Town Forest $5,168
B Park Trust $20,240
Dewey Trust $1,979
Total $310,725.00 which also includes the $15,000 warrant article, $200 remaining budget funds and $6900 SCC portion of the change in use tax.

Mail: DES request for more information Katz, 92 Garnet St, Sunapee SCC no action required.
DES request for more information for Robert and Joanne Borday 14 Sunnyside Terrace 148/31 SCC no action required
DES Approval to Heather Bell 161 Keyes Road Sunapee
Literature on Northern Pass received
Hogg Hill Design submitted info SCC no action required

Van Webb and Tim Fleury attended the Charrette type town forum for Project Sunapee Imagine 2020, other boards were represented not a lot of new faces in attendance.

Van attended the Water and Sewer Commission meeting. The meeting was to bring awareness to each boards goals and intentions. Town Forest designation was discussed and what that means to a property. The boards could help each other out with regards to management plans, timber harvests and be a resource. The right away in Article 18 was discussed and hopefully will be clarified. The meeting was positive with the opportunity of the two boards working together on future projects.

Van will contact Donna Nashawaty regarding the two public hearings to solicite feedback on Article 18 of the 2012 Town Warrant Article regarding the permanent easement to be granted to Treatment Plant Road across Town Forest. SCC will comment on the project in their May or June Meeting.

Article #19 passed adding 26 Acre parcel located at Field Stone Drive to be added to Town Forrest. Next step is signage and trail building. SCC will hold any additional land purchase at Field Stone Hill.

Ledge Pond – Rosie Webb will be doing sign work to mark the path on the Ledge Pond Lot. The signs will direct people to waters edge from the parking area. New signs/arrows will be purchased for the project.  

Tim Fleury will contact Rhonda Gurney to touch base with Barbara Chalmers regarding the interest in the trail development on Garnet Hill.

The Johnson project is still on going and it has been determined that the SCC will be heavily involved with the project in regards to funding and as a “consultant”. Other means of raising funds to help the protection of parcels has been discussed. Due diligence and research will need to done prior to any commitments.