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Conservation Commission Minutes 2012/03/06
Sunapee Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes Date March 6, 2012
Present: Van Webb, Robert Hill, Rem Mastin, Tim Fleury, Lela Emery

The first order of business: Discussion of the retirement from the board by Bruce Burdett. A few plans were discussed on how we could make the evening out easier for Bruce. One option is to have the meetings at his house! Regardless, Bruce has decided after 22 years of service to resign his position on the board. The Conservation Commission members would like to thank Bruce for all his time given to the town with his contributions, wit, editing, knowledge, commitment to the DES applications and to the wonderful Conservation Commission annual summaries in the Town Reports. The Town of Sunapee is indebted to Bruce for his service and his commitment to preserving the environment and character of Sunapee.

Bo Quackenbos reviewed a renovation plan for property located at 36 River Road; the plan is for a take out restaurant (change of use). There will be no change in parking, no cutting of trees; there will be shrub removal with a deck added and the gutting of the interior of the building.

Rem Mastin – Van Webb signed the plan on behalf of the SCC for the Sunapee Soonipi Realty Trust change of use permit from a Real Estate office to a Restaurant. All in Favor 4. Opposed 0. Tim Fleury not present yet.
DES Approval for Anthony and Billie Perry 112/004 Jobs Creek Road, Sunapee
DES Approval for the Town of Sunapee Ryder Corner Road, Sunapee 124/11 & 224/14 &15
DES approval for Shore land Impact for Kimberly Lowell Putnam 24 Woodlands Sunapee 112/19
Notice of Acceptance permit approval from Land Resource Management for Alteration of Terrain Bureau Permit for Perkins Pond Areas Sewers.
Minimum Impact Expedited Application for Lisa and David Andrews at 32 Fernwood Sunapee change decks, shed and supporting cribs no change in size. Rem Mastin signed on behalf of the SCC 2/3/12.
DES Approval for Lisa and David Andrews.
DES Minimum Impact application for Elizabeth D. Katz Richard L. Trust 92 Garnet St Sunapee to install a 6’X40’ seasonal dock. Rem Mastin signed on behalf of the SCC 2/23/12.
Town of Sunapee received a copy of the Cooper Revocable Trust monitoring easement report.
DES Notice of more information required for Robert and Joanne Borday project 2011-03210. SCC no action required.
Wetlands Permit application for Heather Bell NH Rt 11 Sunapee, 114/6-2 Rem Mastin signed on behalf of the SCC.
The amount of $65000 was discussed for the Johnson Project and the potential of another abutter easement opportunity that we could contribute to.
Van Webb spoke at the Town Meeting regarding Article 18 requesting the article be rewritten to allow for the public hearing and input from all Town boards on the proposed right away. Mr. Gallup spoke in favor of the change and the article will be reworded.
Van Webb will be attending the Water and Sewer Commission Meeting the third Thursday of March to discuss the Treatment Plant Lot and the removal of it from Town Forest. Which should be on a warrant article to do so.