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Conservation Commission Minutes 2013/04/03
Sunapee Conservation Commission
Meeting April 3, 2013

Barbara Chalmers made a presentation concerning the Herbert Welch trail. She had two proposals, to place a park bench that was donated on the property and to have an outdoor art walk on the property for the coming summer. Tim volunteered to invite Dave Anderson of the Forest Society to speak; he is a local expert on Herbert Welch. A tentative date of July 6, 2013 was picked. Parking would be on the road, the dedication would be in the woods. Motion by Tim, second by REM to support and facilitate the trail walk planned by Barbara. Passed unanimously.  Motion by Tim, second by REM to set the date as July 6. Passed unanimously.  

Gerry Gold , Sunapee, Ragged Kearsarge (SRK) trail director made a presentation concerning the trail that runs thru Sunapee, portions of it go right by the Town Hall. He wanted the Commissions support to place signs at different locations on trail. Motion by REM, second by Bob to allow Gerry to work with Donna on sign location and placement. Passed unanimously.

Gerry continued his presentation with information about a grant for trail work. AMC would be a sponsor, Gerry was hoping the Commission would support the idea. Motion by Tim, second by Lela. Passed unanimously.

The SRK is looking for a director for the Town of Sunapee, and new members. Gerry asked the Commission to spread the word.

Mail: Town of Sunapee, overflow culvert by ball field, Wetlands Permit signed by REM
          Town of Sunapee, public docks. Permit to do pilings and dredge work.

Motion to approve the minutes of our March meeting by Bob, second by Lela, all in favor.

Ledge Pond North update. Jolyon, Beth of ASLPT and Van meet with the Water and Sewer Dept, and had a very favorable meeting. A meeting to update the Selectboard is scheduled for Mon April 8th.

Respectfully submitted,

Van Webb