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BOS Meeting 11-21-16
                                                                   Board of Selectmen
November 21, 2016
Veterans Memorial Hall, Sturbridge Town Hall
308 Main Street, Sturbridge, MA 01566

6:00 p.m.       Open Session

                Pledge of Allegiance
Executive Session under MGL Ch. 30A, §21a, #3:
To discuss Town Clerk Outstanding Litigation

  • Public Service Announcements
  • Chamber of Central Mass South - Fun at Five at the Cannery Music Hall
Located on 12 Crane Street, Southbridge, MA on Tuesday November 15, 2016
  • Sturbridge Recreation Committee presents 2016 Tree Lighting Ceremony
Friday, November 25, 2016 at 6:00 PM
  • Announcement of the start of Sturbridge Business Tours
  • CMRPC 2016 Fall Legislative Affairs Breakfast on Friday December 2, 2016 from 8AM to 10AM at CMRPC’s Union Hall 2nd floor Union Station
  • Concurrence on appointment of Daniel Matte as new Facilities Coordinator
  • Department Heads
  • Police Department
  • Fire Department
  • Building Department
3. Town Administrator’s Update
  • Abatement request from Teddy Bachawaty from 14 Meadow View Lane
  • Abatement request from Joe and Karen Distefano from 9 Woodside Circle
  • Standard Operating Procedures proposed for the Police Department
  • own Common Study Committee recommendations
Resignation from Lori Main from the Senior Center
Finalize the Warrant and take vote to place and support the articles for Special Town Meeting
  • Review new Right of First Refusal Request for 50 & 14 Douty Road, Sturbridge, MA

5. Correspondence

                6. Approval of Minutes

                7. Old Business

                8. New Business

9. Citizens’ Forum

                  10. Adjourn
The list matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair to be discussed at the meeting. Not all items may in fact be discussed, and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law