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Con Com Meeting Revised 11-17-16
Sturbridge Conservation Commission
Meeting Agenda for Thursday, November 17, 2016
**Meeting will be held at the Sturbridge Center Office Building 301 Main Street, 2nd floor**

6:00 PM--Open Meeting - Quorum check
        Working session.  Review of Sturbridge Wetland Bylaw Regulations

7:00 PM –Regular session
        Committee Updates:   CPA, Trail Committee, and Lakes Advisory Committee

Public Hearings
        7:15:   Request for Determination of Applicability:  DEP#300-tbd;  67 Beach Ave;  Jane Neergheen;  installation of a gazebo in the buffer zone.
        7:30:   Notice of Intent:  DEP#300-tbd;   2 Cedar Lake Dr;  Cliff & Donna Curboy:       addition to an existing single family house, in the buffer zone.  Representative Jalbert Engineering .
        7:45:   Notice of Intent:  DEP#300-969: 55-56 Bennetts Road;  Gayle A. Smith:  Raze and Rebuild SFH in the buffer zone.   Representative Jalbert Engineering
Continued from October 20, 2016
        8:00:   Notice of Intent,  DEP#300-970 :  22 Cedar Lake Drive; Ana & Alfred Dobson; Raze & Rebuild Single Family Home in the buffer zone: represented by Bertin Engineering;  Continued from November 3, 2016
        8:15    Notice of Intent, DEP#300-tbd :  3 Ladd Road: Robert Briggs, represented by Chris Predella of Babe’s Lawn Care:  Landscaping in the buffer zone.    Continued from November 3, 2016
Letter Permits
        Tree Removal:  8 Birch Street;  Ralph Nichols (Otis Land Mgmt) -  1 Tree
Old business
        John Stevens;  460 Leadmine Road

Minor Amendments to Orders of Conditions
        DEP #300-950, 60 South Shore Drive, Thomas & Kelly Peck.  Changes to retaining wall.

New business
        Trail Committee to discuss plan for Plimpton Community Forest trail system.

  • 8 Birch Street, Richard DiBonaventura.  Work in the buffer zone without permits.  
  • 9 Holland Road.  Work in the Riverfront Resource Area without permits.
Request for Certificate of Compliance
        DEP #300-967, 13 Long Avenue, Norman Stuart.

Approval of minutes:  Nov. 3, 2016

Open Space Update
Agent Report
Site visit schedule

The items listed, which may be discussed at the meeting, are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair.~ Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.~ For those items that will be discussed, the Conservation Commission  will address its questions and concerns with a proponent before allowing the public to weigh in on the topic being discussed with the proponent.~ For public discussion of non-agenda items, such discussion will be handled during the Walk-in period or as allowed by the Chair.