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Sturbridge to begin water main flushing
Below is a message from the Sturbridge Water Department.

The Sturbridge Water Department will be flushing water mains to remove sediments that can cause brown and black water complaints.
The flushing will take place from Wednesday April 5, 2017 until Friday May 12, 2017. We will start on the East end of Town. The flushing will begin at 8 AM and finish by 5 PM Monday through Friday each day. All customers should be aware that water main flushing can cause some temporary water discoloration throughout the community. The discoloration comes from small particles of iron and manganese that are removed from the pipe walls. The discoloration is temporary and typically clears in four to five hours.
It is recommended that residents check the water before use, especially prior to doing laundry. DO NOT TRY TO BLEACH STAINED CLOTHES, AS THIS WILL SET THE STAIN PERMANENTLY.

Customers can call the Water Department at 508-347-2513 for further assistance.