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Star and Meteor watching Night Hike at Heins Farm
Below please find information about an Upcoming Event with the Sturbridge Trails group (FROST).

Star and Meteor watching Night Hike at Heins Farm

Join us for a star watching night hike at Heins Farm. If we are lucky, we will see some of the Orionid meteor shower. We'll talk about the stars and planets visible in the fall sky; there will be a telescope on hand to get a closer look.

(If the skies are cloudy we will still have a night hike) 


Saturday  October 21st @  8:00 pm

(Please RSVP via e-mail to facilitate planning)


Meet at the 197 Leadmine Rd Parking Lot

Opportunities to get involved

Join FrOST

The Friends of Sturbridge Trails is a not-for-profit group that helps support and maintain the trails in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. FrOST depends on memberships to support our wonderful Trail system.