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PEG Minutes 01/19/12
LACAC Meeting Minutes for January 19, 2012
Members present: Gary Bernklow,  Chris Funkhouser, Bob Glorioso, Len Golder, Lisa Lavina, Steve Dungan (associate)
Cable Advisory Committee Members present: Arny Buchman, Bob Mong
Also present: Anne Van Tine, Stow TV Coordinator, Kathy O’Keefe, Assistant Coordinator, Lew Halprin, and Bill August Esq. representing Stow.  Tim Kelly, Comcast Representative, arrived at 7:25 pm.
Meeting was called to order 7:05 pm

Approve Meeting Minutes
Lavina moved and Funkhouser seconded accepting the minutes of the Dec 19th meeting. Approved, with Golder abstaining
Discussion of Ascertainment and Negotiations
The group discussed the process going forward for negotiating the contract renewal with Comcast, including an explanation of the areas where Comcast tends to focus its attention. Consensus was confirmed on the aspects of the contract where the group wants to remain firm in its requests.

Meeting with Tim Kelly, Comcast Representative
VanTine gave a summary of the town’s position in each area of the ascertainment document:
  • PEG Access Operating Budget
  • PEG Access Capital Equipment Budget
  • Bolton/Educational Channel and need for three channels
Customer Service and Discounts
Signal Quality
  • Conclusion
All members and Mr. Kelly and Mr. August participated in the discussions. The tone of the meeting was positive and collegial.
Next Steps

Mr. Kelly described the next steps on the Comcast end, and gave a general timeline for bringing the negotiation to conclusion, without committing to any specific times.
Adjournment 9:10 pm

Golder moved and Funkhouser seconded meeting adjournment. Approved unanimously.
Prepared by: _________________________________             Lisa Lavina