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PEG Minutes 9/13/11
LACAC Meeting Minutes for September 13, 2011
Members present: Chris Funkhouser, Bob Glorioso, Lisa Lavina, Steve Dungan (associate)
Also present: Anne Van Tine, Stow TV Coordinator.
Meeting called to order 7:35pm

Minutes of June 29, 2011 Meeting
        Glorioso moved and Funkhouser seconded to approve the minutes as written.  Approved unanimously.
Comcast Negotiation
        Committee discussed conversations VanTine had with Bill August, retained attorney, regarding the progress on preparations for contract negotiations to date. LACAC is concerned that the Cable Advisory Committee (CAC) is not taking as active a role as necessary given the time remaining to prepare for negotiations, and  that CAC is not being aggressive enough. We concur that the retained attorney should lead the negotiations given his expertise in the area of representing towns in contract negotiations with cable providers.
Glorioso moved and Funkhouser seconded that VanTine speak with appropriate town authorities to move the process at a more deliberate pace, with proper negotiation strategy, led by the retained firm of Epstein and August.  Approved unanimously.
Document Preparation/Budget Projection Review
VanTine reviewed the list of documents needing preparation for contract negotiations, much of which can be completed using materials at hand.  Preparing accurate 10 year equipment budget projections will require consultation with professionals in technology and equipment industries.  Glorioso moved and Funkhouser seconded that we approve spending up to $1,000 for consultation fees related to preparing negotiation documents. Approved unanimously.
Committee reviewed the draft 10 year operations budget projection. Suggestions were made for adjustments to some budget lines. Funkhouser moved and Glorioso seconded that we approve the draft of the budget (with recommended adjustments) as a reasonable basis for negotiation. Approved unanimously.
Lavina moved and Funkhouser 2nd to adjourn at 8:50pm.
Prepared by: _________________________________
                Lisa Lavina