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PEG Minutes 10/13/09
Minutes of the October 13, 2009 Local Access Channel Advisory Committee meeting.

Members Present:                
Stephen Dungan
Bob Glorioso
Chris Funkhouser
Lisa Lavina

Also Present:           Anne Van Tine
Lew Halprin

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM at the Stow Town Building.

Members interviewed Kathy O’Keefe for the Assistant Coordinator position. We asked her about the notion of job sharing, the skills she brings to the job and some of her ideas for Stow TV.  She answered all questions well and seemed a good fit for the position.

Members interviewed Michelle Crosby for the Assistant Coordinator position. She has experience with job sharing and likes the idea; has another part time job that will fit well with this.

After group discussion of the candidates, Dungan moved and Glorioso seconded to approve hiring both candidates at 6 hours/week each, as written up by Anne VanTine, for a one-year contract. It was unanimously approved.

The committee agreed that VanTine could determine the appropriate amount of hours to extend Mary O’Loughlin’s contract for cross training. Dungan moved and Glorioso seconded to  approve the extension of Mary’s contract for no more than 10 hours/week through January 2010. It was unanimously approved.

Next on the agenda was the Policy Handbook revisions. All edits were reviewed and discussed and some were amended. Dungan moved and Glorioso seconded that we approve the Stow TV Policy Handbook as reviewed and amended. It was unanimously approved.

Additionally, Dungan moved and Funkhouser seconded that we approve an expense no greater than $1,000 for an attorney’s review of the entire handbook. It was unanimously approved.

Dungan moved and Glorioso seconded adjourning the meeting. .  It was unanimously approved.

The meeting adjourned at 9 PM.

Prepared by: _________________________________
                Anne VanTine