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PEG Minutes 3/9/09
Minutes of the March 9, 2009 Local Access Channel Advisory Committee (LACAC) meeting

Members Present:        Steve Dungan
                        Bob Glorioso
                        Lisa Lavina

Also present:           Anne Van Tine –
                        Lew Halprin
The meeting began at 6 pm.

Approving Minutes
Minutes from prior meetings were presented for approval. Dungan moved that we approve the minutes as presented. Glorioso seconded, approved unanimously.

Technical Assistant
Anne presented a proposal to increase the hourly rate for the Technical Assistant (from $11 to $14) and to increase the hours to six per week or 25 per month. Dungan moved that we authorize expansion of the terms of the Technical Assistant position to allow for these increases. Glorioso seconded, Approved unanimously.

Equipment Purchase
The committee had previously approved purchase of four Sony TRV-950 cameras.  Anne presented the committee with request for approval that these purchases be either Sony TRV-950 or PDX 10 cameras, as available ( allowing for a price difference of about $400 in models).  Also requested was purchase of a rolling tripod case. Dungan moved that we authorize the purchases, Glorioso seconded. Approved unanimously.

Lavina moved and Glorioso seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 pm

Prepared by: _________________________________
                Anne VanTine