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PEG Minutes 3/26/08
Minutes of the March 26, 2008
Local Access Channel Advisory Committee (LACAC) meeting.

Members Present:        Steven Dungan
        Bob Glorioso
        Len Golder
        Lisa Lavina
Also Present:   Anne VanTine – Stow TV Coordinator
        Valerie Pederson
        Chris Funkhouser
        Lew Halprin

The meeting began at 7:35.

Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the January 28, 2008 meeting were reviewed and on motion by Lisa Lavina and seconded by Bob Glorioso, the minutes were approved unanimously.

Operating and Capital Budget Review Process
VanTine stated that Susan McLaughlin was going to speak to committee on this topic, but did not appear. VanTine stated that anything that has to do with Computers or IT goes to ITAC for review.  The Video Server was approved by Capital Planning and ITAC also approved it. Paul Yannoni of ITAC is also reviewing the proposal for laptop computers.

Report and Expenses for Mass Access Meeting
This useful educational trip provided tips for negotiating with Verizon.  VanTine made a request for the committee to approve spending for the cost of the trip. Motion was made by Golder for VanTine to spend up to $500 in items incidental to running PEG.  The motion was seconded by Dungan and was unanimously approved.
Space Plans update and contract for assistance with move
April 18 is likely finish date for the carpet.   Susan McLaughlin is urging PEG to move as early as possible so Beth Tobey can move into the PEG space.   VanTine plans to schedule the move date for April 28th. Halprin, VanTine and Michael Ridinger got together and discussed the move.  VanTine handed out a copy of the proposed contract for Michael Ridinger to help with the move.  The contract has been approved by Bill Wrigley.
Glorioso asked about liability and VanTine responded that since it had been approved by Wrigley then it is assumed that liability is covered.  Dungan moved to authorize LACAC to accept the contract proposal for Michael Ridinger as submitted.  This motion was seconded by Glorioso and the committee unanimously voted to approve the motion.

Update on Verizon Negotiations
Halprin stated that the Cable Committee has been working on creating a proposal for a license between the Town of Stow and Verizon.  Halprin presented information about the current state of the negotiations. Verizon is looking to match the terms that the town has with Comcast. Glorioso asked about deadlines and if we are responding to deadlines appropriately and Halprin said all deadlines are being met.  

Verizon is planning to provide upfront money over a period of 15 years. Glorioso suggested that implied interest should be figured out over the 15 years. In lieu of installing another INET (which was provided by Comcast), the Cable Committee  is proposing that Verizon provide the cost to maintain the INET for a certain amount that will work out over time to be equivalent to the original cost.

Verizon wants up to two years before Stow PEG stations must be provided to Verizon customers in town.  LACAC members felt strongly that in the negotiation process we should get Verizon to cablecast Stow local access TV as soon as Verizon comes up.    There is an issue with Comcast providing PEG to Verizon.  Glorioso suggested that fiber can feed right out of Town Building and there is no need to involve Comcast.  It was all agreed upon that this issue should be handled by the attorney that would be hired to help with negotiations.  LACAC members requested that Cable Committee pause the negotiation meetings with Verizon until the attorney gets on board.

Request for Financial Assistance to Fund Attorney for Verizon Negotiations

VanTine requested an amount up to $5000 to pay for a lawyer for the Verizon negotiations. Dungan moved to authorize the expenditure of $5000  to pay for the service of an attorney to assist in the contract negotiations with Verizon.  Lavina seconded the motion.   Glorioso made another motion to amend price the price to $4999.  This motion was seconded by Golder and unanimously approved by the Committee. The attorney’s contract will be with the Town and therefore the Town would hire him..  The Town would then pay for him with monies transferred from the LACAC funding.  

Golder suggested a liaison be created between LACAC and Cable Committee for following the negotiations.  Golder and Glorioso volunteered to act as liaisons.

Proposal to Take Over Channel 8 for Bulletin Board

Halprin mentioned that he was considering proposing that Stow take over Channel 8, which currently is used to show Hudson access TV.  If this occurred, Halprin suggests that channel 8 might be dedicated to the bulletin board announcements. LACAC members suggested that this question be placed in newspapers, asking for public feedback.

Update on Video Server
VanTine handed out copies of Video Server Systems Information which included: Why it was decided what we needed; list of equipment that needs to go out to bid (not included was Michael’s services); and feedback from Paul Yannoni.

Equipment and Purchases

VanTine stated that she and Linda Stokes had investigated Princeton Server, which is a direct competitor to Tightrope video servers.  Although Princeton has some very attractive features, Anne and Linda decided that Tightrope better meets the mode of operation of Stow TV.   This project already has permission to go out to bid.

VanTine handed out information about a Dell Computer and related communications. Stow TV currently has one computer.  VanTine stated that that a second computer was needed because there are now two people working in the office and each needs a computer.  Additionally, she  wants a third one that will be dedicated to do video editing on..  This computer can be used by other volunteer videographers.   The computers should be bought by June 30th  in order to get the XP operating system.  Glorioso moved to buy two computers as shown on the Dell Computer information sheet provided by VanTine and to add MS Office, extra memory.  The amount not to exceed $7000.  Lavina seconded and all said Aye.

Lavina moved to adjourn meeting at 9:25 and Glorioso seconded it and all said Aye.

Prepared by: _________________________________
        Valerie Pederson