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PEG Minutes 1/9/08
Minutes of the January 9, 2008 Local Access Channel Advisory Committee (LACAC) meeting

Members Present:        Len Golder
                        Bob Glorioso
                        Lisa Lavina

Also present:           Anne Van Tine – Stow TV Coordinator
                        Lew Halprin
                        Chris Funkhauser
                        Valerie Pederson

The meeting began at approximately 7:55.

Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the November 20, 2007 meeting were reviewed and on motion by Glorioso, seconded by Lavina, the minutes were approved unanimously.

Assistant Coordinator
Anne introduced Valerie Pederson, candidate for the position of Assistant Coordinator. Her resume was provided to the committee in advance for review. There was an open discussion with Ms. Pederson of her skills and interests and discussion of the short term objectives for initiating Ms Pederson into the Assistant’s duties. On motion by Golder, seconded by Glorioso, to approve hiring Ms Pederson, the vote was unanimous and the hiring was approved.

Equipment Purchase
Anne updated the committee on where we stand with review of equipment. An item needs to be added to the previously approved list for purchase: 2 wireless handheld microphones (Sennheiser SKM125-G2C) at approx. $420 each with shipping. Bob G has reviewed for quality and in light of other equipment available and has OK’d them as the best choice for the need at hand.  Golder moved and Lavina seconded a vote to add this purchase to the list. Approved unanimously.

Golder moved and Glorioso seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 pm

Prepared by: _________________________________
                Lisa Lavina