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PEG Minutes 10/17/06
Minutes of the Tuesday October 17, 2006 Local Access Channel Advisory Committee (LACAC) meeting

Members Present:        Steve Dungan
                        Bob Glorioso
                        Lisa Lavina

Also present:           Anne Van Tine – LACAC Coordinator
                        Lew Halprin
                        Chris Funkhauser

The meeting began at approximately 7:40.

On motion by Dungan, seconded by Lavina, the meeting minutes of September 20, 2006 were approved unanimously.

Coordinator’s Report:

Equipment Repairs
        VanTine reported flash drive troubles and the work needed to get them functioning on the Stow TV computer. Anne reported that Robert Evans, a Stow software engineer, helped her walk through about 12 hours of diagnosis with Dell, including a reinstallation of Windows on the second disk.  Eventually Dell replaced the motherboard and this fixed the problem.  Since the machine was still under warranty, there was no charge.  Dungan recommended a firm called DCR (Diagnostic Computer Repair) in West Concord for future consultation, Glorioso recommended Geek Boutique in Maynard as well.

Recent Programs
        VanTine reported she’s created a program for channel 9 using the artwork of Stow resident George Dargarty and commented on other programs recently submitted by Stow residents.

Mass Access
        Van Tine has joined Mass Access, an organization of local access coordinators. She also reported on a Mass Access conference she attended in Stoneham, which included interesting demos of new video equipment. She has requested reimbursement of the $40 membership/registration fee. It was moved Glorioso and seconded by Dungan to reimburse her for the expense.

School Committee
VanTine reported she was approached by Committee member and Stow resident Ellen Sturgis, to discuss the possibility of Stow TV recording the Nashoba Regional School Committee if they were to temporarily move the meetings to the Warren Room. Van Tine prepared a proposal, which she brought to the board for review and approval to send the NRSC. It was suggested that language defining the temporary nature of the proposal be included, perhaps to coincide with the end of the school year. It was also suggested that the proposal include a requirement that each town will provide a minimum of one volunteer to be trained to man the equipment for taping/cablecast. Glorioso moved that the letter be approved with the suggested amendments, and that it be sent to all members of the NRSC. Lavina seconded and it was approved unanimously.

Political Ads
The question was brought up about how to handle political ads that might be brought forth for cablecast. Lew will review the cable license to see if it covers political material.

-       Video cabinets are nearly complete.
  • Four power supplies and four cameras to controller cables have been purchased.
  • Request to purchase a DV recorder that could still be used if we were to switch to a digital server. This would put a DV recorder in each cabinet and reduce the need to transport equipment before taping an event. After brief discussion Glorioso moved and Dungan seconded to approve the purchase for no more than $1,500.  It was unanimously approved.
First Parish Church
Lew requested funding to run permanent wire from the front of the church to the balcony where equipment is set up for taping. This will make set up much easier for recording the musical programs Stow TV is given access to. Dungan moved and Lavina seconded to approve spending no more than $300 to purchase and install necessary cable and accessories. Approved with Glorioso abstaining as a member of the church.

New Business
Lew Halprin discussed the following topics.
  • Should Stow TV pay the admission fee for the people taping events? . The committee consensus was that the videographer should not pay admission.  The committee took no action.
  • Should we purchase projectors for the 1st floor meeting room for overflow audience? The committee felt that there is not a strong need for this, and took no action.
Should we purchase a fourth camera to install in the Warren room? There are no objections to doing this, but no action is possible until a specific proposal is presented.
Streaming selectman’s meetings on youTube.  The committee took no action on this.
Should PEG sponsor a local concert by the musician who provides the Bulletin Board music? The committee consensus was not sponsor, but  Stow TV will promote through the bulletin board.
We’re waiting for the 30-day period to elapse to hear from Verizon. This conversation needs to be on the next meeting agenda.

Dungan moved and Glorioso seconded adjourning the meeting at 9:15 pm.  It was unanimously approved.

Prepared by: _________________________________
                Lisa Lavina