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PEG Minutes 09/20/06
Local Access Channel Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
September 20, 2006

Present at 7:30 p.m.:  Anne Van Tine, Steve Dungan, and Chris Funkhouser

In the absence of a quorum Anne showed Steve and Chris the new video cabinet Lew Halprin built and installed at Town Hall.  The cabinet provides a permanent location for all of the equipment required to tape/broadcast programs from that location.

Present at 8:20 p.m.:
Members Present:        Steve Dungan
                        Jim Parr
                        Len Golder

Also Present:           Anne VanTine, LACAC Coordinator
Chris Funkhouser

Anne called the formal meeting to order at 8:20 p.m..

Minutes of July 19, 2006
Steve moved to approve the minutes as submitted and Jim seconded the motion.  Voted unanimously in favor.

Coordinator’s Report
Anne submitted invoices covering her work over the past two months for the Committee’ approval.  Anne said the library is now posting the Ch. 9 schedule and the children’s librarian commented that  many people are watching and taping the programs.  Lew has taped some their children’s programs.  Ed Newman, Town Moderator, is working on a video featuring the functions of the Moderator.  He worked with Anne to select segments of our recordings to illustrate various aspects of the meeting. Anne noted that several new volunteers have helped with various tasks:  Linda Stokes, Evan Ciriani, David Gray, Bob Glorioso, and Beth Tobey.  Anne described a problem with the USB ports on her computer, and the Committee approved her request to get it fixed.

Associate Membership
Anne distributed a letter of interest from Chris Funkhouser.  Chris applied for the position of Associate Member.  Len moved to accept Chris and Steve seconded the motion.  Voted unanimously in favor.

Procurement Process
Anne asked for approval to take over this responsibility from Jim.  Len moved to appoint Anne as the Committee’s procurement officer, and Steve seconded the motion.  Voted unanimously in favor.

Equipment Status
Anne summarized recent acquisitions:
  • 3 tripods ($44 ea.)
  • 4 fluid heads ($80 ea.)
  • 1 large format video recorder ($1500)
Anne asked for approval to purchase software to burn DVDs.  Jim moved approval to spend up to $150 for this purpose.  Len seconded the motion.  Voted unanimously in favor.
Anne said it will be necessary to repair some of the microphones in the Warren Room and that she planned to ask Kevin Long of Access AV to try to fix them.

Anne requested approval to join MassAccess, a trade group.  The annual cost is $20.  Len moved to approve the expense and Steve seconded the motion.  Voted unanimously in favor.

Acton/Boxborough is offering an online course on the use of Movie Maker, software for editing video.  Anne proposed splitting the cost with the Committee.  Steve noted that this task is part of Anne’s normal function and recommended that the Committee pay the full cost of $95.  Len so moved and Steve seconded the motion.  Voted unanimously in favor.

New Business
Anne described pressure she is receiving from a member of the School Committee to begin taping School Committee meetings immediately.  She is reluctant to commit time and resources to set up the room at Emerson School because that space may not be available much longer.  She noted that it made more sense to wire the Media Center at the High School and make that the permanent location of School Committee meetings.  The School Committee already meets there from time to time.  She has already received Michael Wood’s agreement to use the Media Center.

Anne has discussed the issue with Ed Sterling, the President of Access Bolton Television. As President, Ed is responsible for overall operations of Access Bolton. Anne offered to set up a workgroup with Ed and Lew Halprin to develop a plan for taping School Committee meetings, and she asked for LACAC’s support for a long-term approach.  

Len moved to encourage Anne to work with Ed Sterling, Lew Halprin, and possibly a representative from Lancaster to facilitate a long-term solution for broadcasting School Committee meetings.  Steve seconded the motion.  Voted unanimously in favor.

Political Ads on Ch. 9
Steve requested this agenda item when he noted different statements in the LACAC handbook and the Submittal Form.  The Handbook seemed to permit such ads, but the Submittal Form specifically forbids them.  Anne provided the history on this issue along with the results of a recent survey of three other towns (Framingham, Shrewsbury, and Marlboro).  There was no consistent policy.  Anne also noted that the attorney working with LACAC put the political add prohibition in the submittal form, and she suggested that we check with him first to see if it can be removed.

Len moved to authorize Anne to contact Atty. Bill August (or an associate) on this matter.  The expenditure is not to exceed $150.  Steve seconded the motion.  Voted unanimously in favor.

Steve moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m.  Len seconded the motion.  Voted unanimously in favor.

Prepared by: _________________________________     
Steve Dungan