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PEG/LACAC Minutes 7/19/06
Minutes of the Wednesday July 19, 2006 Local Access Channel Advisory Committee (LACAC) meeting

Members Present:        Steve Dungan
                        Bob Glorioso
                        Len Golder
                        Lisa Lavina
                        Jim Parr

Also present:           Anne Van Tine – LACAC Coordinator
                        Lew Halprin
                        Chris Funkhauser

The meeting began at approximately 7:45 with an introduction by Anne of Chris Funkhauser. Chris has been trained as a volunteer and has expressed an interest in being involved with the committee.

As our former chair has departed the committee it was determined that Anne could perform the job of meeting facilitator.

On motion by Glorioso, seconded by Golder, the meeting minutes of June 5, 2006 were approved by three of the quorum of five. Two abstained as were not present at June 5th meeting.

Coordinator’s Report:

Legislation Affecting Stow TV:
        Halprin drafted a comprehensive summary of the situation and its possible effects on Stow TV. Dungan reports that the Board of Selectman (BOS) sent letters requesting that any legislation drafted include support for local access.

Cabinet Approval
        VanTine sent a letter to the BOS seeking any objections to the equipment cabinet being installed in Hale school. She’s heard no objections and was advised by Dungan that she would have heard any objections by now and should move forward on the project.

Discussion of Programming and Bulletin Board Policies
        VanTine presented recommended changes to the Stow TV programming policies with the intention of bringing them up to date and reflecting the current programming environment. Another goal is to be sure that programming of interest to, and created by Stow residents retains priority in the programming schedule. Original policies had been drafted via excerpt from other town’s handbooks. All suggestions were reviewed and will be redrafted by VanTine for board approval.

Request to BOS to Mount TV in Town Building Lobby
        VanTine was informed that proper permission was not obtained for installing the Stow TV monitor in the lobby of the Town Building. After explaining the situation she presented a letter of request for the BOS. Dungan was briefed on the purpose of the request. The letter was reviewed, some edits suggested, and VanTine was encouraged to go forward with the request. VanTine will brief Selectwoman Wheeler on the background of the request before it is review by the full board.

Equipment Status
        VanTine indicated plans to purchase items previously approved for the cabinet. These include a Large Format Digital Video Recorder. With the goal of combining a tripod fluid head with LANC circuitry for remote zoom control, she will purchase a tripod head and inexpensive Sony tripod for experimentation. This is part of the process to get the cabinet in the Hale auditorium permanently equipped. Also discussed, a significant amount of equipment currently in use by Stow TV was provided by Halprin from personal collection. VanTine recommends now is the time to pay for that equipment since it is all in use and will remain so for the long term.

On motion by Dungan, second by Glorioso vote unanimous to adjourn the meeting at 9:40pm.

After adjournment, absence of approval to reimburse Halprin noted. Meeting reconvened at 9:42.

On motion by Golder, second by Parr unanimous approval of authorization to purchase from Halprin equipment in use by Stow TV coming from Halprin’s personal property, not to exceed $1,000.

Also discussed adding Funkhauser as an Associate Member of the committee. Dungan expressed a belief that the position must be posted, VanTine believes otherwise and will confirm with the Town Clerk.

Next meeting set for Wednesday, September 20, 2006 at 7:30pm

Golder moved, Dungan seconded, vote was unanimous to adjourn the meeting at 9:47.

Prepared by: _________________________________
                Lisa Lavina