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PEG/LACAC Minutes 4/19/06
DRAFT - Minutes of the Thursday, April 19, 2006 LACAC Meeting

Members Present:        Andy Dunn
                        Len Golder
                        Ross Perry
Bob Glorioso
Jim Parr

Also Present:   Anne VanTine - LACAC Coordinator, Lew Halprin, Lisa Lavina

The meeting was called to order at 7:36PM at the Stow Town Building.

Those present discussed the following:

On motion by Perry, second by Dunn, the committee approved the minutes of February 4, 2006 with Perry, Dunn and Parr in favor, Golder and Glorioso abstain.

On motion by Perry, second by Dunn, the committee approved the minutes of March 16, 2006 with Perry, Dunn and Golder in favor, Parr and Glorioso abstain.

VanTine presented the Coordinators Report with discussion on the following;

We have a volunteer, Evan Ciriani, to record Selectmen meetings. Linda Stokes is also a possibility to record some meetings. We also need some other meetings recorded at least for training purposes. Perry suggested the School Building Task Force. Dunn suggested that training can be done while recording, though not airing, LACAC meetings. Perry also suggested that Linda Hathaway can be of help by scheduling a committee in the Warren room.

Candidates Night is next Monday. LACAC plans on recording it. There is, however, a possible problem with the amplifier in the Town Hall building. It has an occasional hum nose in the audio. It is being looked at. There are also some sound problems with recording at First Parrish. Bob may be able to offer some ideas before the next series of concerts.

Discussion of a possible need for a new DV recorder is moved to the next meeting.

VanTine reported that she has some questions for Lew on his designs for the equipment cabinet in the Town Hall building. The building inspector has approved of the design and once VanTines questions are answered, building will begin.

We have chosen to move discussion of LACAC’s responsibilities regarding Town meeting to the next meeting of the committee. Since this will be Perry’s last meeting, he wished to get his opinion into the record. Perry believes that LACAC should consider it their responsibility for providing audio for Town Meeting as the Board of Selectmen requests. While funds for LACAC do not come from the Town taxes, we do not pay any fee for using space in the Town Building. Perry believes that this is not too much to ask from the Board of Selectmen.  The committee was reminded that aside from Perry’s statement, discussion on this topic will resume at the next meeting.

VanTine requests a small change in the Policy for making copies of meetings for the public and passed out a copy of the requested change titled “Stow TV Policy for Copies of Recordings – V. 060131 Draft Change”. On motion by Perry, second by Golder, the request for a change in policy for making copies of recordings was approved unanimous.

Volunteer Update: Lavina offered help in approaching the Hale Video Club in search of volunteers. Her daughter may also be able to help out as well. VanTine has some apprehension of the students using Stow TV equipment. Lavina will ask her daughter to approach the Hale Video Club students on behalf of LACAC.

The committee agreed that there will be little time to plan an open house before June. VanTine is also away during Spring Fest so it is doubtful that we will be able to have a table there as well.

On a motion from Perry and seconded by Dunn, unanimous vote, the committee adjourned at 10 pm.

The next meeting is scheduled for May 16, 2006 at 7:30pm.

Prepared by: _________________________________
Andrew Dunn