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LUTF Agenda 4/07/2008
Land Use Task Land Use Task Force

Thursday, April 10, 2008 7:00 pm    TOWN BUILDING


7:00 Agenda/Check-in

7:10 Approve Minutes of March 6, 20

7:15 Introduce work to be completed at next meeting

7:25 Consider: Do we need to add a meeting or lengthen some sessions to get on top of our work more quickly?

7:30 Adjourn to attend Master Plan Joint Boards meeting

Next meeting:

Share observations from review of Master Plan
Complete basic work plan
Develop our own working agreements as a task force
Confirm who will focus on understanding the needs of specific groups:
        COA (Ted),
        Schools (Rick)
        Open Space (Kathy),
        Fire/police (Kathleen),
        Affordable housing (Michael),
        Sewer, water, parking, and town infrastructure (Jason)

Upcoming meetings: schedule

April 17, May 8, May 22
Get acquainted dinner together?