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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/03/16
Stow Conservation Commission  
August 3, 2016

A meeting of the Stow Conservation Commission was held at the Stow Town Building, 380 Great Road, Stow, Massachusetts, on August 3, 2016 at 7:30 in the evening.

There were present:     Andy Snow, Chair
Serena Furman, Vice-Chair
Doug Morse
Jeff Saunders
Sandra Grund

Absent:                         Ingeborg Hegemann Clark, Cortni Frecha

comprising a quorum of the Commission

Also present:           Kathy Sferra, Conservation Coordinator

The Conservation Commission meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM.

Minutes - There were no minutes to approve.

Coordinator’s Report - Kathy Sferra reminded the Commission that Town Meeting is Monday August 8th and the Sullivan APR is on the warrant. She also informed the Commission that Stow Conservation Trust had offered a $10,000 contribution toward the Town’s match, which will reduce the need for Community Preservation Funds to $140,000.

Kathy distributed new applications received today.  Sandra has the lead with 10 Dawes, Serena took 136 Hudson, and Andy took 121 White Pond Road.

Kathy updated the Commission on the status of the Captain Sargent Farm License.  Town Counsel is re-sending the certified mail letter to arrive next week.

Sandra noted that Kathy had commented on SVT’s Deer Management document and asked when it was going to be completed.  Andy noted that she had recently seen some helpful documents from Provincetown and would provide a copy.

Some recent tree cutting at Stow Acres was noted. Kathy will follow up. It was noted that the maintenance plan for Stowaway may be able to serve as a good model when complete.

Cortni Frecha – Conflict of Interest Disclosure – The Commission reviewed a conflict of interest disclosure that has been filed with the Conservation Commission and Board of Selectmen by member Cortni Frecha. Cortni represents the Commission on the Community Preservation Committee and has been participating in issues surrounding the town’s possible purchase of land at 241 Boxboro Road without realizing that she is an abutter.  Kathy showed the Commission a map which depicted the Boxboro Road land and Cortni’s property, which does not abut directly, but is within 300’ in the rear along the pond shore.  Cortni was not present, but in a meeting next door if needed for questions.  Kathy explained that Cortni consulted with the Ethics Commission and with Town Counsel and Kathy has also discussed with Town Counsel.  His recommendation is that the Commission review the disclosure and vote to find that Cortni inadvertently participated in this matter and acknowledge that she will be recusing herself from further official representation on this issue.  Doug Morse asked for an explanation of the 241 Boxboro Road project, which Kathy provided. After brief discussion, Serena moved to find that Cortni inadvertently participated as a CPC member in matters relating to 241 Boxboro Road without knowledge that she was legally an abutter but has consulted with the Ethics Commission and Town Counsel and is following their guidance with regard to disclosure of her financial interest in this matter and will be recusing herself from future involvement. Sandra Grund seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.  

Serena Furman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 PM.  Sandra Grund seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Sferra
Conservation Coordinator