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2013-10-01 ConCom Minutes
Stow Conservation Commission
October 1, 2013

A meeting of the Stow Conservation Commission was held at the Stow Town Building, 380 Great Road, Stow, Massachusetts, on October 1, 2013 at 7:30 in the evening.

There were present:     David Coppes, Vice-Chair
Cortni Frecha
Serena Furman
Jeff Saunders           
                        Andy Snow

Absent:         Ingeborg Hegemann Clark, Chair
Doug Morse

comprising a quorum of the Commission; also

        Present:        Kathy Sferra, Conservation Coordinator
                        Maureen Trunfio, SCC Secretary

The Conservation Commission meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM.


Cortni Frecha made a motion to approve the minutes of September 17, 2013 as drafted and amended. Andy Snow seconded the motion and it was passed.

Conservation Coordinator’s Report

The Derby Woods and Taylor Road Conservation Restrictions (CR) have been recorded.

Lake Boon Drawdown will begin Monday, October 7, 2013. The Legal Notice will run in the Stow Independent again on October 3, 2013.

Sandra Grund, an environmental consultant and a resident of Timberedge Road contacted the office and is interested in joining the Conservation Commission as an associate member.

The Commission is working to coordinate a tour of Lake Boon from Don Hawkes’ boat. The tour would serve to provide the Commission with a sense of the properties from the water. It was agreed to postpone until after ice-out.

OARS representative, Allan Fierce, has been in contact with Sferra regarding the NPDES permit modifications for the four Assabet WWTP’s. He mentioned that permits could be issued at any time. He told Sferra he would contact her as soon as he heard anything about the permits. She mentioned that the BoS have stated that they will support the increase of flow as long as the phosphorus levels are not increased.

The Athens Lane auction scheduled for September 26, 2013 has been postponed until October 15, 2013.

The BoS has scheduled a joint boards meeting for October 8, 2013 regarding the Sureau Chapter 61 property on Boxboro Road.

Sferra reported that she has spoken with the Building Inspector regarding the building that Bob Collings of Barton Road is proposing to build. She told the Commission that it appears that the building would be outside the Commission’s jurisdiction. She added that Collings may want to make use of pond on the property for fire suppression, which would then require Commission review.

Notice of Intent  - 53 Great Road (R-29 #4-3)

At 7:45 PM David Coppes opened the public hearing for a Notice of Intent (NOI) filed by Bob Pace for the construction of a garage at 53 Great Road. At the time of this meeting a DEP number had not been assigned. Additionally, the wetland consultant was ill. Jeff Saunders and Ingeborg Hegemann Clark, who conducted the site inspection, requested changes to the plans. For all of the reasons mentioned the hearing was continued to the October 15, 2013 meeting.

Cortni Frecha made a motion to continue the public hearing for a Notice of Intent filed by Bob Pace of 53 Great Road to October 15, 2013 at a time after 7:30 PM. Serena Furman seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Stow Brownie Troop - Wonders of Water Project

Lara Harris-David, a leader of one of the Stow Brownie Troops, has contacted the office to say that they are proposing a project to teach the girls about water resources in Stow and to develop a science project about protecting them. The Commission suggested utilizing the potential vernal pool map from the National Heritage and teaching the Brownies how to certify a vernal pool. Serena Furman mentioned an educator from Audubon who worked with children at the Maynard Library and will get his contact information for Kathy Sferra to pass along to the leader. It was also mentioned that salamander walks could be led in the cemetery.

Encroachment - Wedgewood Pines Country Club

A member of the Commission noted that woody debris had been dumped over the stone wall near the 17th green at Wedgewood Pines Country Club. Kathy Sferra recently conducted a site visit to the area along the Wedgewood Pine/Marble Hill boundary. She shared photos and a detailed report of her findings with the Commission. She noticed tree clearing as well as dumping of woody debris on town property. Sferra recommended boundary marking at Marble Hill and other conservation areas in the future.

Sferra recommended sending a letter to Wedgewood advising them that no further material should be deposited on the town’s side of the stone wall and documenting the tree clearing. The owner will be asked to follow up with the Commission by October 24th and may be required to replant the area and/or remove the dumped material. The Commission agreed with this action.

Andy Snow made a motion to authorize Kathy Sferra to send a letter to Wedgewood Pines Country Club advising them that no further material should be deposited on the town’s side of the stone wall and documenting the tree clearing. Cortni Frecha seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Christmas Tree Farm Proposal – Captain Sargent Farm - Jesse Steadman

The Commission has received a proposal to establish and manage a cut-your-own Christmas tree plantation at Captain Sargent Farm through a license arrangement from Jesse Steadman. He was present at this meeting to discuss his proposal.  The Commission has been unsuccessful in its efforts to lease the back field. It is mowed annually by Scott Morse.  

Steadman has experience in this field, as he grew up and still works on his family’s Christmas Tree Farm. He told the Commission that his family takes part in the NRCS Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program, setting aside a portion of field habitat for Bobolink. He reported that the programs works because in addition to healthy bird habitat, the joe-pyeweed, goldenrod and other flowers are perfect habitat for a variety of predator insects that keep unwanted pests in check.  He stated that weeds would be controlled with mowing and herbicides would not be used.

Steadman explained that his proposed operation would include a variety of firs including fraser, balsam, concolor and canaan. He stated that after their first year, Christmas trees are relatively drought resistant. He told the Commission that trees become marketable after seven years.  

His typical sale season would begin the day after Thanksgiving and would run on weekends up to the weekend before Christmas with hours 8 AM -4 PM. He proposed a “pop-up” tent as a point of sale area. He stated that he does not expect people to park on South Acton Road and understood that parking might be an issue. He said that he would work with the Highway Superintendent and the Police Chief to develop a plan. He told the Commission that he would be plowing the area by utilizing an ATV. Clippings from mowing would be left on the ground and  allowed to compost. He would need to “brush hog” approximately every two years.

Steadman mentioned that if a cut-your-own operation was not feasible, he would consider raising trees and selling them at local farmers’ markets.

Steadman said that he would comply with the Town’s need for general liability insurance. He stated that each March/April he would rent a stump grinder and eliminate stumps from harvested trees. He would shear by hand from late July through October.

The Commission asked if they would be left with a field of trees if Steadman decided to discontinue the project at any point. He said he would be willing to commit to cut and chip all trees on the property then grind all remaining stumps. Steadman added that each March/April he would rent a stump grinder and eliminate the stumps from harvested trees. The subsurface stump is rotted and able to be broken up with a shovel within two years.

Some of the Commission’s concerns included the fact that there might be a conflict of interest because Steadman is employed by the Town of Stow as the Assistant Planner. Kathy Sferra will also allow follow up with Town Counsel to determine if a new RFP will need to be issued.
An escrow account might need to be considered.  Serena Furman questioned the rules and regulation on Conservation Agricultural Land Use.

Steadman mentioned that he would like a sense of the likelihood that such an operation might be allowed by Thanksgiving, if possible. He thanked the Commission for their time and the Commission agreed to discuss the issue further at a later meeting.

Wetland & Conservation Land Issues - 124 Old Bolton Road (R-16 #33)

At the request of the Town Administrator, Kathy Sferra conducted a site visit to 124 Old Bolton Road. Building Inspector, Craig Martin had sent a letter dated September 19, 2013 to the owner discussing several complaints regarding storage of construction equipment and the operation of an unlicensed construction business on the premises. There was a letter dated April 7, 2010 in the Commission’s files asking the owner, Peter Waldron, to submit a written narrative of plans to clean the site. There appears to have been modest progress since that time.

Sferra told the Commission that she noticed potential encroachment on conservation land on the side and rear of the property. She recommended meeting with owners and marking the property boundaries. Sferra noted that with regard to wetland issues there does seem to be an intermittent stream on the property. She stated that it appeared some debris in this area had been cleared since Pat Perry’s letter in 2010. The Commission was supportive of Sferra’s suggestion of mailing a cease and desist letter.  Serena Furman and Cortni Frecha offered to assist with boundary marking.

Cortni Frecha made a motion to authorize Kathy Sferra to send a letter to the owners of 124 Bolton Road regarding possible encroachment and wetland issues. Andy Snow seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

DEP Wetland Change Mapping

Kathy Sferra reported that she received Wetland Change Areas Maps from DEP. These are aerial maps. Map 1 shows the area near D&D Gardens at Hudson and Great Roads. There is old alteration shown at D&D and a new alteration behind the house at 610 Great Road. No Notice of Intent was filed for the project.  Sferra will send a friendly letter to the owners reminding them of the need to file with the Commission for work in their yard.

Map 2 shows the old alteration at the Zieba and Bonetti properties on Taylor Road. The Commission is aware of this alteration.

Map 3 is a roadway crossing for Minister’s Way.

Map 4 is Honey Pot Hill Orchards. The Commission will research the file and reach out to Andrew Martin after apple season to follow up on work that was done there.

Andy Snow recused herself from the meeting at 9:25 PM and did not return.

Update: Hemenway Farm Open Space Discussions

Kathy Sferra updated the Commission on developments with the open space at Hemenway Farm.  She visited the site and spend a day laying out a proposed trail network. She presented a draft version of the Hemenway Farm PCD Open Space-Land Management and Stewardship Issues report that she authored, dated October 1, 2013. She showed the Commission a revised version of a trail proposal that she felt better considered natural surroundings, would be easier to maintain and served as a loop system. The Commission agreed Sferra’s proposed trail was a better option than the one previously presented.  This issue will be discussed further at the next meeting.


Serena Furman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 PM. Cortni Frecha seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

The Commission adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Trunfio
Stow Conservation Commission Secretary