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2011-09-20 Conservation Commission Minutes
Stow Conservation Commission
September 20, 2011

A meeting of the Stow Conservation Commission was held at the Stow Town Building, 380 Great Road, Stow, Massachusetts, on September 20, 2011 at 7:30 in the evening.

There were present:     Rebecca Mattison, Chair
Helen Castles, Vice Chair
Ingeborg Hegemann Clark
Doug Moffat
Kathy Sferra

Absent:                 David Coppes
comprising a quorum of the Commission; also

                        Patricia R. Perry, SCC Coordinator
                        Maureen Trunfio, SCC Secretary

The Conservation Commission meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM.

Approve Minutes

Kathy Sferra  made a motion to approve the minutes of September 6, 2011 as drafted and amended. Helen Castles seconded the motion and it was passed by the four members in attendance. (Ingeborg Hegemann Clark was not present at the time of this vote.)

Certificate of Compliance (#299-0447)
6 Billadell Road (R-1 #3)

The applicant proposed to raze and replace a portion of a single-family house within the 100-foot buffer zone.  The plan also included construction of an addition, which is outside of the 100-foot buffer.  The portion razed was approximately 543 square feet of which approximately 433 square feet was within the 100-foot buffer.  Pat Perry conducted the site inspection and recommended issuing a Certificate of Compliance.

Doug Moffat made a motion to issue the Certificate Of Compliance for work satisfactorily completed at 6 Billadell Road in compliance with Order of Conditions File No. 299-0447. Helen Castles seconded the motion and it was passed by those four members in attendance. (Ingeborg Hegemann Clark was not present at the time of this vote.)

Certificate of Compliance Request (#299-0458)
Linear Retail/Stow Shopping Plaza
117 & 155 Great Road (R-30 12&13)

Linear Retail Properties submitted a Notice of Intent application to install a sewer line within the buffer zone of the pond at the rear of the shopping plaza.  All work has been completed and paved over.  Pat Perry conducted the site inspection and recommended issuing the Certificate of Compliance. The Commission agreed to issue the Certificate of Compliance.

Helen Castles made a motion to issue the Certificate Of Compliance to Linear Retail for work satisfactorily completed behind the Stow Shopping Plaza, 117 & 155 Great Road in compliance with Order of Conditions File No. 299-0458. Kathy Sferra seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Enforcement Issue (#299-0334 & 0528)
626 Great Road/ C.W. Fuels/Community Convenience (R-10 #41)

David Lorden, Trustee for Community Convenience Trust, came in to meet with the Commission to discuss compliance issues relating to the convenience store at the corner of Hudson and Great Road.

The Commission explained that as they reviewed the Notice of Intent application for a new septic system they found several items from the original Order Of Conditions (OOC) that hadn't been met. On June 7, 2011 a letter was sent to Lorden explaining all items that had not yet been completed. The Commission addressed these tasks with Lorden and broke them down into three categories.

The Commission told Lorden the first issue was the fact that a 2002 landscaping plan, approved by Planning Board in 2002, had not been followed.  The second issue was the required signs shown on landscape plan that were not installed. The third issue was that OOC #299-0334 was issued by the Commission on October 2, 2001, but no Certificate of Compliance was ever requested for the Order.

The Commission displayed and reviewed the landscape planting plan with Lorden. This plan shows the gravel area behind the building. They explained that the intent was that a narrow gravel area would exist, but everything beyond that would be grass. They told Lorden that on the plan it is shown that there is a bit of gravel and then a large amount of grass in front of the fence to protect Elizabeth Brook. As it stands now, there is a large amount of gravel and very little grass. The Commission explained that this grass prevents runoff from going directly into the brook. The Commission clarified to Lorden that all work in the rear of the building would occur in front of fence.

The Commission pointed out to Lorden that the plan showed specific signs and their intended placement on the lot. A key on the plan showed specific trees and bushes that were to be planted. The Commission reminded Lorden that the original plan noted some varieties of invasive species, burning bush, etc. The Commission had requested an updated plan showing native species, but never received that. Lorden asked that a copy of the plan noting the Commission ‘s suggested plantings be sent to him. He said he would have invasive plants removed. Lorden said he would hire a landscape company to complete the work properly, as well as order the required signs.

Tree Planting & Presentation
Edible Perennial Gardening & Landscaping

Pat Perry reported to the Commission that John Root would like to offer a power point presentation, "Edible Perennial Gardening and Landscaping", following the planting of a persimmon tree in a public place in~Stow on a weekday evening or weekend afternoon in the spring of 2012 to inspire residents to "grow local".~~Mr. Root would be applying to the~Stow Cultural Council for funding.  Mr. Root has asked if the~Stow Conservation Commission would be interested in sponsoring or helping to promote this event. ~He has asked if  there other groups or individuals in town who might be interested in participating, and can the Commission suggest~a venue for the program or a suitable location for the tree.~Pat Perry suggested he speak with Bruce Fletcher, Stow’s Tree Warden, and the Agriculture Commission.  

The Commission agreed that his proposal sounded more appropriate for the Agriculture Commission or the Stow Garden Club. After discussion it was thought that a more visible public spot might be more appropriate, however the Commission agreed to offer the community gardens off Tuttle Lane for the planting of the tree. Pat Perry will contact Mr. Root with these suggestions.

Lake Boon Drawdown (#299-0490)
Review Order of Conditions

Pat Perry distributed copies of the Order of Conditions (OOC) for the drawdown for the Commission’s review.  No drawdown is to occur prior to October 1st, however there are conditions of the OOC and Superceding Order of Conditions (SOC) issued by the Department of Environmental Protection that are to be complied with prior to that date.

Conray Wharff, Chair of the Lake Boon Commission (LBC), questioned what the reference point  should be used for measuring the drawdown for the weed management drawdown. It was decided that the “Top of Concrete” shall be used as the reference point since both the OOC and the SOC states that the drawdown shall be no more than 3 inches per week over a 30 day period for a total maximum drawdown of 12 inches the first year.  (Max 24 inches 2nd year, 30 inches 3rd year, 36 inches 4th year, 40 inches 5th year.)
Lake Boon Drawdown Escrow Account

Bill Wrigley suggested Board of Health and Conservation Commission discuss who will set up and manage the $10,000 escrow account in the event it needs to be drawn on for emergency water in the event of a dry well. The Commission agreed that the account should be managed by the Board of Health and the Town of Stow (Bill Wrigley) as directed in the Order of Conditions.

Community Preservation Committee Update

Kathy Sferra, liaison to the CPC, reported to the Commission on the status of the Larson Apple Barn/Stone Building. The citizens group will need to raise $300,000 to move the stone building and is looking for a location for the public to view the outside of the structure. The Historical Commission would support a request of no more than $100,000 from CPC to help defray the cost of moving the building but the citizens group would have to raise the balance of the $300,000.  Derby Ridge Apple Orchard has supposedly inquired regarding moving the stone building to their property but needs more information.  The stone building must be moved by December 1st. The Commission agreed with Sferra that they needed more information to make an informed recommendation.

Enforcement Issue (#299-0444)
Athens Road/Quirk Property

The Commission would like Pat Perry to send a letter to Mr. Quirk and Dr. Carr requesting, by October 4, 2011, an update on completed restoration work at the site. In a letter dated July 19, 2011, the Conservation Commission reiterated non-compliance issues or recommendations for Areas 2, 3, 4 and 5 that were discussed in the field with Dr. Carr during a site inspection on July 10, 2011.   Since it is late in the season the Commission agreed to state in the letter that no further excavation work could be conducted past October 1, 2011 for Areas 2 and 3. Area 4 may be completed.  Area 5 is still a NO WORK area until all other areas (2-4) have been completed to the satisfaction of the Conservation Commission.

Arbor Glen Active Adult Community

Correspondence from Pulte Homes of New England to the Planning Board with a copy to the Conservation Commission was reviewed.  There were outstanding issues to be resolved prior to Planning Board releasing the bond monies that the Planning Board is holding as security for landscaping improvements.  Pulte has offered to adjust the drainage swale behind units 4-6 but still questions the request being made of them.  Pulte has inspected the swale after heavy rains and found the swale to be dry and found no evidence of stagnant water.  Pulte is asking the Planning Board to reconsider whether any improvements to this swale are really necessary.

At the Commission’s July 19, 2011 meeting they delayed signing a Certificate of Compliance (COC) for Arbor Glen due to the fact that residents reported improper drainage of water behind Unit 4. The area was to be mowed by residents and the issue reviewed by the developer to make a determination.  The area has not been mowed and in the interim, Planning Board’s engineering consultant has approved Pulte’s as-built plan.  The Commission will consult with the Planning Board for a decision on the swale prior to issuing a Certificate of Compliance.

Center School Construction Site

Ingeborg Hegemann Clark has been in contact with Joe Stella and he has sent the requested report of the spill site.  She asked for an update on the stream restoration. Joe Stella indicated that Cincotta had performed some work on the stream including extra hay bales and cistern work. Cincotta said they will perform the additional cleanup on the stream.

Other Business:  

Deerfield Lane Conservation Restriction:  Kathy Sferra reported that the Legislature couldn’t amend a conservation restriction.  Assuming that we want to take another shot at this, she recommends that we work together with House Counsel through Kate Hogan to draft the petition and bring to annual Town meeting for a vote.

Assignment:  Notice of Intent for 128 Barton Road assigned to Doug Moffat.


Kathy Sferra made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 PM. Helen Castles seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

The Commission adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Perry
SCC Coordinator

Maureen Trunfio
SCC Secretary