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06-24-08 Minutes

Regular Meeting – June 24, 2008

A Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority was held June 24, 2008, at the Stonington Police Station Meeting Room.

Members in attendance: James Sisk, Chairman; Stephen Bessette, Vice Chairman; James Petrosky, Clerk; and Richard Cody, Member.  Also present: Harold Storrs, Director

Members absent: Lynn Young              
1.      Chairman Sisk called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.

2.      Fire Exit Plan

3.      Water Leak Adjustment Policy
Director Storrs was directed to draft a policy for review at the next regular meeting.

     3,a. Request for consideration on sewer use bill – Mystic River Real Estate
        S. Bessette moved to table to the next regular meeting. J. Petrosky
seconded. Motion carried 4-0.

4.      Clairement Subdivision (Route 27 & Pequot Trail, Old Mystic)
- Request to connect 10 proposed sub-division lots located outside the Mystic
Sewer District
J. Petrosky moved to interpret the boundary of the Mystic Sewer District as being along the eastern edge of the “Anderson property – so called” so that sub-division lots that are located within said property are within the sewer district. R. Cody seconded. Motion carried 3-0. R. Cody abstained

5.      Contract Operations – United Water
United Water Monthly Report –  May 2008
Sewer jetting & cleaning
Projects status
        -       SCADA

6.      Comments from the public
                No one from the public addressed the Authority

7.      Wastewater Facilities Plan
        -       design development
        -       implementation alternatives

8.      Tiered sewer user rates structure

9.      FOG

10.     Budgets
        a)      Current Operating
        -       Sewer Enterprise
        -       Sewer Development & Maintenance
b) User Charge receipts – flow chart
11.     Director’s Report

12.     Chairman’s Report

13.     Minutes – May 27th
R. Cody moved to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 27, 2008, as presented. S. Bessette seconded. Motion carried 4-0.  

Meeting adjourned 9:13 p.m.

Harold W. Storrs
Clerk, pro-tem