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02-26-08 Minutes

Regular Meeting – February 26, 2008

A Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority was held February 26, 2008, at the Stonington Police Station Meeting Room.

Members in attendance: James Sisk, Chairman; Stephen Bessette, Vice Chairman; James Petrosky, Clerk;  Richard Cody, Member; and Lynn Young, Member.  Also present: Harold Storrs, Director

Members absent: none    
1.      Chairman Sisk called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2.      Fire Exit Plan

R. Cody moved to amend the agenda to include “proposed connection of Dean’s Mill Water Treatment Plant to the sewerage system” as item 3,a. S. Bessette seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

3. Heller, Heller & McCoy
- Sewer Hook-up Charge, Lot 2E, Extrusion Drive
Harry B. Heller, Esq. addressed the Authority.
L. Young moved to table further discussion regarding sewer hook-up charge for lot 2E, Extrusion Drive to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Authority. R. Cody seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

3,a.  Proposed connection of Dean’s Mill Water Treatment Plant to the sewerage
        John N. McClellan, Tighe & Bond, addressed the Authority.
R. Cody moved to accept the proposal identified in Tighe & Bond’s letter of February 21, 2008 to Director Storrs to connect to the sanitary sewer in Mistuxet Avenue for domestic sewer use only subject to approval of the CT Department of Environmental Protection and conditioned upon an executed agreement between the Town and the applicant that includes a provision that the Town will be held harmless. S. Bessette seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

S. Bessette left the meeting at 7:25 p.m.

4.      READCO Stonington LLC
- Sewer Hook-up Charge, Routes 2 & 49, Pawcatuck

5.  Contract Operations – United Water
United Water Monthly Report –  January 2008
Projects status
- Pump station improvements
Annual Report – Contract Year 8
MRRA – July – Dec, 2007

6.  Comments from the public
                No one from the public addressed the Authority
7.  Budgets
        a) Proposed General Fund Budget – FY 08-09

8.  Sewer Rates
- user fees
- Sewer hook-up charge
J. Petrosky moved to increase the Sewer Use Fee by 15 % and the Sewer Hook-up Charge by 15 % effective May 1, 2008, and to hold a public hearing on the proposed increases at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 25, 2008, at the Stonington Police Station. L. Young seconded. Motion carried 4-0

9.  Director’s Report

10.  Chairman’s Report

11.  Minutes – January 22, 2008 & February 12, 2008
R. Cody moved to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 22, 2008, as presented. J. Petrosky seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
R. Cody moved to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting of February 12, 2008, as presented. J. Petrosky seconded. Motion carried 3-0. L. Young abstained.

Meeting adjourned 8:45 p.m.

Harold W. Storrs
Clerk, pro-tem