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12-27-05 Minutes
A Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority was held December 27, 2005, at the Stonington Police Station Meeting Room.

Members in attendance: James Sisk, Chairman; James Petrosky, Secretary; Stephen Bessette, Member; and Lynn Young, Member.  Also present: Harold Storrs, Director

Members absent: none

1.      Call to Order – 6:30 p.m.

2.      Fire Exit Plan

3.      Wastewater Facilities Plan – status

4.      Contract Operations
a.      United Water monthly Report – November 2005
b.      Staffing of the Facilities
c.      MRRA
                              d.  October storm event – Stonington Borough WPCF –
          October 14-17
                                - Situation Report
                                - Additional Compensation (per agreement)
                              e.  Annual Fee – 7th Contract year
                                - Fee calculation
                        - Annual Flow & Loading – adjustment for 6th contract year
             (11/15/04 – 11/14/05)

5.      Comments from the public

The following individuals addressed the WPCA:
        Edward Hart of 587 Taugwonk Road
. Mr. Hart distributed to the Authority a memorandum entitled “Stonington WPCA Facilities Plan and State of Economic ‘Well-Being’ ” addressed to the WPCA dated 12/27/05
                Thomas Haggerty of 197 River Road

6.      Budget 2006-2007

7.      Director’s Report

8.      Chairman’s Report
Chairman Sisk announced the resignation of Marc Ginsberg from the Water Pollution Control Authority effective December 15, 2005

9.      Executive Session – negotiations
S. Bessette moved to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing pending negotiations. L. Young seconded. Voting in favor: S. Bessette, L. Young, J. Sisk, J. Petrosky. Opposed: none

Entered into Executive session at 8:08 p.m.

Upon votes duly made and seconded, returned to regular session at 9:37 p.m.

9,A     Contract Operations – United Water
L. Young moved to split the “Disputed Invoices” amounting to $ 29,523.66 and identified in United Water’s letter of August 3, 2005, addressed to Director Storrs 50-50 so that the WPCA will pay one-half ($ 14,761.83) with the disclaimer that the offer is made solely to avoid the prospect of lengthy and costly litigation. J. Petrosky seconded. Motion carried 4-0.

10.     Minutes -  November 22nd
L. Young moved to accept the minutes of November 22, 2005, as presented. J. Petrosky seconded. Motion carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned 9:44 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Harold W. Storrs
Clerk pro-tem