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11-22-05 Minutes


Regular Meeting – November 22, 2005

A Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority was held November 22, 2005, at the Stonington Police Station Meeting Room.

Members in attendance: James Sisk, Chairman; Stephen Bessette, Member; James Petrosky, Member: and Lynn Young, Member.  Also present: Harold Storrs, Director

Members Absent: Marc Ginsberg

1.      Call to Order – 6:35 p.m.

2.      Fire Exit Plan

3.      Wastewater Facilities Plan – status
        a.      Water Quality Study – Stonington Harbor
        b.      Groton Alternative

4.      Contract Operations
        a.      United Water monthly Report – October 2005
        b.      Staffing of the Facilities
        c.      MRRA
J. Petrosky moved to pay United Water $ 36,934.00 as shown on MRRA Summary Report dated November 22, 2005, and as distributed to the Authority. L. Young seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
        d. October storm event – Stonington Borough WPCF – October 14-17
                - Situation Report
                - Additional Compensation (per agreement)
J. Petrosky moved to authorize Director Storrs to pay United Water in accordance with Section 3.4 of the Agreement up to $ 76,660.67 in reimbursable expenses resulting directly from the storm event of October 14-17 upon receipt of invoice and related support documentation. L. Young seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
          e. Annual Fee
                - Fee calculation
        - Annual Flow & Loading – adjustment for 6th contract year (11/15/04 – 11/14/05)

5.      Comments from the public

No one addressed the WPCA

6.      Capital Projects

7.      Election of Officers (Secretary)
S. Bessette moved to elect James Petrosky to serve as Secretary for the Authority. L. Young seconded. Motion carried 4-0.

8.      Director’s Report

9.      Chairman’s Report

10.     Minutes  
August 23rd – J. Petrosky moved to accept the minutes of August 23, 2005, as
presented. J. Sisk seconded. Motion carried 2-0. S. Bessette and L. Young abstained
September 27th – J. Petrosky moved to accept the minutes of September 27,
2005, as presented. L. Young seconded. Motion carried 3-0. S. Bessette abstained.
October 25th – S. Bessette moved to accept the minutes of October 25, 2005, as
presented. J. Petrosky seconded. Motion carried 3-0. L. Young abstained.

Meeting adjourned: 9:38 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Harold W. Storrs
Clerk pro-tem
