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06-28-05 Minutes

Regular Meeting – June 28, 2005

A Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority was held June 28, 2005, at the Stonington Police Station Meeting Room.

Members in attendance: James Sisk, Chairman; Marc Ginsberg, Vice Chairman; Daniel O’Connor, Secretary; and James Petrosky, Member.  Also present: Harold Storrs, Director

Members Absent: Lynn Young, Member

1.      Call to Order – 6:30 p.m.

2.      Fire Exit Plan

3.      Mystic Cycle Center
-       Request for adjustment in sewer hook-up fee

M. Ginsberg moved to adopt the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, the Applicant, Mystic Cycle Center, has applied for a hook-up to its property on Stonington Road at Long Wharf Road for the development of a cycle center; and

WHEREAS, such property consists of 6.18 acres, of which only a little more than 1 acre is developable; and

WHEREAS, the balance of the property, or approximately 5.2 acres, has been preserved in perpetuity through a Conservation Easement deeded to the Town; and

WHEREAS, the application of the Authority’s hook-up charges to this property would result in a hook-up charge disproportionate to the benefits to accrue to such property;

BE IT AND IT HEREBY IS RESOLVED THAT, the Authority set the hook-up charges for this Applicant based on the minimum lot size permitted in the GC-60 zone which is 60,000 square feet and with a presumed usable frontage of 200 lineal feet. The other two components of the Authority’s hook-up formula, unit and value, shall be applied pursuant to the Authority’s Rules and Regulations. The action here taken by the Authority is predicated upon all the facts and circumstances surrounding the Applicant’s parcel and is not to be construed as precedent.
D. O’Connor seconded. Motion carried 4-0

4.      Wastewater Facilities Plan – discussion

M. Ginsberg moved to accept CDM’s proposal dated June 28, 2005, titled “Groton Analysis – Review of Force Main Alternative Memoranda” at a price not to exceed $ 6,500.00. J. Petrosky seconded. Motion carried 4-0

M. Ginsberg moved to send a letter of interest to the Town of Groton WPCA regarding the possibility of diverting a portion of Stonington’s wastewater to the Town of Groton wastewater system. J. Petrosky seconded. Motion carried 4-0.

By consensus, the WPCA accepted the offer of the “Better Solutions Task Force” to underwrite the cost of a study of water quality in Stonington Harbor. Mr. Storrs was instructed to contact the DEP regarding the appropriate protocols and scope of study.

5.      Comments from the public

The following individuals addressed the WPCA:
        Walter Johnsen of 129 Whampassuc Road
        Charles Harding of 37 Orchard Street
        Willis Arndt of 330 North Main Street

6.      Contract Operations
a.      United Water Monthly Report – May 2005
b.      Staffing of the Facilities
c.      MRRA
M. Ginsberg moved to pay United Water outstanding MRRA invoices in the amount of $ 147,561.52 as shown on the following invoice summaries presented by Mr. Storrs:
        JULY/AUGUST 2004                $ 32,714.93
        September-December 2004    28,462.23
        REVIEWED 4/29/05                   20,237.74
        REVIEWED 5/25/05                   18,641.98
        APRIL 2005 – RH WHITE              47,504.64
D. O’Connor seconded. Motion carried 4-0

7.      Capital Projects

8.      Bills:

Michelson, Kane, Royster & Barger

a. General/Mystic Cycle Center $ 37.50
        M. Ginsberg moved to pay. D. O’Connor seconded. Motion carried 4-0

b. Contract Operations      $ 681.25
       J. Petrosky moved to pay. D. O’Connor seconded. Motion carried 4-0

c. Facilities Plan                  $ 360.00
        J. Petrosky moved to pay. M. Ginsberg seconded. Motion carried 4-0

9.      Director’s Report

10.     Chairman’s Report

11.     Minutes
-       January 25th
J. Petrosky moved to accept as corrected. O’Connor seconded. Motion carried 3-0. M. Ginsberg abstained

-       February 2nd
J. Petrosky moved to accept. D. O’Connor seconded. Motion carried 4-0

-       February 22nd
J. Petrosky moved to accept as corrected. D. O’Connor seconded. Motion carried 4-0

-       March 29th
M. Ginsberg moved to accept. D. O’Connor seconded. Motion carried 4-0

-       May 24th, Public Hearing on Proposed Rate Increase
M. Ginsberg moved to accept. J. Petrosky seconded. Motion carried 4-0

-       May 24th, Regular Meeting
J. Petrosky moved to accept. M. Ginsberg seconded. Motion carried 4-0

        Meeting adjourned:      8:28 p.m.

        Respectfully submitted

Harold W. Storrs
Clerk, pro-tem