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05-24-05 Minutes
Regular Meeting – May 24, 2005

A regular meeting of the Stonington Water Pollution Control Authority was held on May 24, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. at the Stonington Police Station Meeting Room.

Members in Attendance:  Chairman James Sisk, Mark Ginsberg, Lynn Young, James Petrosky and Secretary Daniel O’Connor.  Also in attendance was Director Harold Storrs.

1.      Call to Order – 6:30 PM

2.      Fire Exit Plan

3.      Sewer User Fee.

Following the Public Hearing held earlier, M. Ginsberg moved to adopt the Proposed Sewer Use Charges identified in the attached “Notice of Proposed Sewer Use Charge” dated May 9, 2005, and further that the rate for residential properties having an unmetered private water supply shall be $98.50 per six month billing period.  J. Petrosky seconded.  Motion carried 4 – 0.  L. Young abstained – not present for the entire public hearing.

4.      Mystic Cycle Center

- Request for adjustment in sewer hook-up fee.  

L.  Young moved to table the request until a draft resolution prepared by counsel has been received.  D. O’Connor seconded.  Motion carried 5 – 0.

5.      Wastewater Facilities Plan – status review.

6.      Comments from the public

The following individuals addressed the WPCA:
Barbara Tacy, 8 Ivy Road, Mystic
        Ed Hart, 587 Taugwonk Road, Stonington

7.      Contract Operations

a.      United Water Monthly Report – April 2005
b.      Staffing of the Facilities
c.      United Water deliverables
d.      MRRA

8.      United Water – draft Amendment #2

L. Young moved to include agenda Item #8 with agenda Item 13,  Executive Session – Contract Negotiations.  J. Petrosky seconded.  Motion carried 5 – 0.

9.      Bills:

        Michelson, Kane,  Royster & Barger
                a.  General                     $   137.50
                b.  Contract Operations      462.50
                c.  Facilities Plan                  292.50
                d.  Facilities Plan                  112.50
                                Total           $1,005.00

J. Petrosky moved to pay Contract Operations - $462.50, Facilities Plan - $292.50, and Facilities Plan - $112.50 totaling - $867.50.  L. Young seconded.  Motion carried 5 – 0.

10.     Director’s Report

11.     Chairman’s Report

12.     Minutes

January 25th, February 2nd, February 22nd, March 29th and April 26th.  D. O’Connor moved to accept the minutes of April 26th as amended.  M. Ginsberg seconded.  Motion carried 4 – 0.  J. Petrosky abstained – absent on April 26th.

13.     Executive Session – Contract Negotiations.

D. O’Connor moved to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of contract negotiations.  L. Young seconded.  J. Sisk, M. Ginsberg, D. O’Connor, J. Petrosky, and L. Young voted in favor.  Motion carried unanimously.

By unanimous vote, returned to regular session at 9:10 p.m.

M. Ginsberg moved to proceed immediately with purchase of the jetter truck.  L. Young seconded.  Motion carried 5 – 0.

M. Ginsberg moved to adjourn.  D. O’Connor seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Harold W. Storrs,
Clerk, pro-tem