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10-24-06 Agenda
1.   Call to order – 6:30 p.m.

2.      Fire exit plan

3.      Wastewater Facilities Plan

4.   DeDominicis, 76 Lords Hill Road
        - request to connect to Mystic Diversion force main located in Lords Hill Road
           (ref:  DeDominicis letter, 10/5/06 with attachments)

5.   Conner, 70 Hatch Street
        - request for adjustment in sewer use bill
          (ref:  Conner letter, 10/5/06 with attachments)

6.  Comments from the public

The purpose of the “Comments from the Public” item on Water Pollution Control Authority meetings agendas is to receive comments and statements from residents and other interested persons.  This provides a valuable source of information to assist the Authority in carrying out its responsibilities.
        Inasmuch as the purpose is to receive public input on any matter of interest relevant to the responsibilities of the Authority, there is no way that board members can be prepared to respond.  
Accordingly, this statement is put forth as a reminder that this is a time for public comment, not debate; members of the Authority will listen.
        If, on the other hand, should anyone wish to discuss a matter with the Authority, he or she is encouraged and welcomed to request a position on the agenda.  (We only ask that the request be made one week prior to the meeting to allow time for distributing the agenda and relevant documents.)

7.  Contract Operations
United Water Monthly Report – September 2006
Special Projects

8.   Capital Projects – SCADA

9.  Sewer Hook-up Charge
10.  Budgets – end of FY ’06 – ‘07

11.  FOG – (fats, oils, grease)

12.  Director’s Report

13.  Chairman’s Report

14.   Minutes – September 26th, Special Meeting, Public Hearing and Regular Meeting
               (Note: Sept. 26th, Special Meeting at 4:00 pm was not an official meeting due to lack of a quorum)