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04-08-08 Minutes
April 8, 2008
            The Waterfront Commission held a regular meeting on this date at the Town Dock meeting room.  Members present were Sandy Grimes, Chairman; Arthur Medeiros; Ethan Grimes; Randy Minor; Rose Raffo; Bill Robinson and Mike Grimshaw. Tucker Bragdon and Ed Dear of the Stonington Small Boat Association were also present.
Chairman Grimes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Previous minutes
Mr. Medeiros made a motion to approve the minutes of the March meeting as presented.  Mr. E. Grimes seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report
Mr. Robinson made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as read.  The balance in the WFC account is $525.00.  Mr. E. Grimes seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.
Old Business
Stonington Small Boat Association

Members unanimously agreed to move the item Stonington Small Boat Association up on the agenda.  Mr. Dear provided for the members the 2007 financial report.  Members had a few questions regarding donations, the sailing team and CD’s.  They then continued the discussion regarding the fencing for the kayak area as all members had just returned from viewing the location.  There were safety concerns raised regarding proximity to the transformers and playground, and the lobster booth for the Blessing of the Fleet.  Mr. Bragdon explained that the additional space would allow for 16 more kayaks, these are growing in popularity and the SSBA now can only accommodate on a first come, first serve basis for space.  As all members were not in complete agreement as to how to proceed, Mr. Minor stated that there was always the chance that they would run out of space for the growing membership. The item was tabled to allow a SSBA committee to put together a concrete plan with an engineer’s approval that would address all the Commission members concerns. 
Dock Area housekeeping – Mr. Medeiros reported that all is ongoing, minor problems.

Maintenance items – Mr. Medeiros reported that the seawall by the Police dock is in bad shape.  He has spoken with Town Hall to have warning signs placed to protect from vehicles getting too close.   The Public Works Director is also scheduled to view the site.

Engineer’s Task list – Nothing to report.

South Dock extension – Nothing to report.

Donahue Park – Mr. Robinson reported that the area is a mess with the excavation.  

New Business
Mr. Medeiros reported that 3 scallopers have been lured to New London with a promise of lower fuel prices and wharfage fees.  It appears that New London has received funding from the State.  Mr. Medeiros is very concerned and is currently working with State Representatives Andrew Maynard and Diana Urban. 
Members received a request from Pam Mola of the SVIA to plant gardens at the East and North entrances to the new playground fence.  Mr. Minor made a motion to approve the plantings.  Mr. Robinson seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.
Members also discussed the Stonington Farmers Market.  In the WFC packet mailed for the April meeting was the letter from the SVIA’s request to hold the market at the Town Dock submitted to the First Selectman.  Before the WFC were even aware of the request, approval was granted by the First Selectman.  This is not acceptable to the WFC members.  Chairman Grimes stated that he would contact the First Selectman to discuss further, it was also agreed that another letter would be sent regarding safety in the parking lot and the need for a police presence. 
Leslie Packer, clerk read to the members an email received from the First Selectman’s Office regarding a representative from the WFC to meet regarding placement of the Whale.  Mr. Medeiros and Mr. Grimshaw agreed to represent the WFC Monday, April 14th at 1:00 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mr. Minor made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Grimshaw seconded the motion and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:03 p.m.
                                                                        Respectfully submitted,
                                                                        Rose Raffo

                                                                        Vice Chair/Treasurer