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03-11-08 Minutes
March 11, 2008
            The Waterfront Commission held a regular meeting on this date at the Town Dock meeting room.  Members present were Sandy Grimes, Chairman; Arthur Medeiros; Ethan Grimes; Randy Minor and Rose Raffo.  Bill Robinson and Mike Grimshaw were absent.  First Selectman Ed Haberek, DPW Director Joe Bragaw and Ed Dear of the Stonington Small Boat Association were also present.
Chairman Grimes called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
Previous minutes
Mr. Minor made a motion to approve the minutes of the February meeting with an adjustment to a date on Page 2, paragraph 1.  Mr. Medeiros seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report
Mr. Medeiros made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as read.  The balance in the WFC account is $600.00.  Mr. E. Grimes seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.
Old Business
Dock Area housekeeping – Mr. Medeiros reported that all is O.k.; they are preparing the lobster pots to go out.

Maintenance items – Mr. Medeiros reported that the newly completed area is to be painted.  Mr. Haberek reported that he recently met with State Representatives and others to discuss funding for the ice machine.  They will be looking at all possible avenues.

Engineer’s Task list – Nothing to report.

South Dock extension – Both Mr. Haberek and Mr. Bragaw confirmed that there is currently $498,000 on the books for this project. 

Donahue  Park – Mr. Bragaw provided for the members a summary of the Donahue Park Bulkhead Restoration Project.  Mr. Bragaw stated that the project had not been intended to be completed in phases; however, the soil contamination prompted this.  The total amount allocated is $554,820.17. He added that Phase 1 (Bulkhead Restoration) has been completed at a cost of $453,636.75.  Phase 2 (Remediation of Contaminated Soil) contracts will be awarded Wednesday, March 12, 2008.   

Mr. Bragaw added that the Town has taken safety measures for the upcoming Duck Race scheduled for April 26. 
Town Dock electrical project – Mr. Bragaw provided for the members a summary for the Town Dock improvements project funding and costs. He stated that there is a shortfall and the Town may have to contact the Southern New England Lobstermen Association.  The contractor is on a 1 year warranty to correct any problems or glitches. 

Chairman Grimes thanked Mr. Haberek for attending and asked that the Waterfront Commission continue to be notified of events to be held at the Town Dock.  Mr. Haberek assured the members that there would be no lapse in communication.  He also commented on the whale sculpture that the Commission had been waiting for; he stated that the whale is ready for placement.  John Deciantis has been contacted to build a base to secure the whale.  Mr. Haberek also notified the members of a meeting to be held soon regarding a New Dock Ordinance and invited a member of the Commission to attend.  Ethan Grimes stated that he would attend the meeting.
Stonington Small Boat Association

Mr. Dear was present to request new space to fence in additional kayak racks.  He added that the demand keeps growing and the Association had to deny kayak storage requests last year.  He stated that permission to modify the existing SSBA fence to wrap around the electrical boxes, after meeting CL&P’s restrictions, would allow service to additional Stonington inhabitants.  The SSBA proposes to ask the contractor replacing the playground fence to alter the SSBA fence as well.  Members asked that Mr. Dear allow them to view the site in the light of day prior to making a decision and asked him to return for the April meeting.  Mr. Dear stated that in the meantime he would acquire the cost of this project.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mr. Minor made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. E. Grimes seconded the motion and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
                                                                        Respectfully submitted,
                                                                        Rose Raffo

                                                                        Vice Chair/Treasurer