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09-12-05 Minutes
The Stonington Harbor Management Commission held a regular meeting on Monday, September 12, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. at the Stonington Police Headquarters.  Committee members present were George Kenyon, Rose Raffo, Arthur Medeiros, Rodney Johnstone, and William Geary.  Chairman Peter Vermilya, Ed Smith, Jack Gorby, William Abt and Francis Falck were absent.  Harbormaster Eric Donch and Deputy Harbormaster Michael Lennon were present.

Mr. George Kenyon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes
Mr. Medeiros made a motion to accept the August 8, 2005 minutes.  Ms. Raffo seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

Mr. Kenyon reported on behalf of Chairman Vermilya that correspondence received from the DEP concerning replacement of a dock was not relevant to the Commission’s jurisdiction.  A letter from the Director of OLISP to Bryan Chesebrough thanking him for his service as deputy harbormaster will be forwarded to Mr. Chesebrough.  The Connecticut Harbor Management Association sent the Commission’s membership certificate and announcement of the annual dinner to be held on October 20, 2005 in Branford, Connecticut.

Treasurer’s Report
Per Chairman Vermilya all bills have been paid as of September 9, 2005.

Harbormaster’s Report
Harbormaster Donch said that one new mooring permit was issued to a homeowner with littoral rights.  The waiting list now totals 187.  There have not been any moorings given up this month and no new mooring assignments have been offered.
All of the docks at Stonington Commons have been installed.  Electrical power, water, and cleats on the outside of the main dock for transient tie-off points remain to be installed.

Harbormaster Donch met with Mr. Tom Law of Docko regarding plans for a dock for the Robert G.  Docko will prepare preliminary sketches for the Commission’s review.  Mr. Medeiros said that the Southern New England Fishermen and Lobstermen Association (SNEFLA) have approved the proposal for a dock to be constructed on land SNEFLA leases from the Town.  Mr. Medeiros will present the proposal to the Waterfront Commission at its meeting on September 13, 2005.
First Selectman Brown has invited Harbormaster Donch to attend a September 22, 2005 meeting with Amtrak and Representative Rob Simmons to discuss the possibility of raising the trestles at the north end of the harbor.

Harbormaster Donch said that Mystic Stainless plans to install the tow pin on the Robert G this week.  Also, he received an estimate of $11,787.00 from Palmers Cove Marina for a 2006 E-tec 130hp Evinrude engine to repower the Robert G.  Mr. Kenyon said the Commission will consider all bids at a future SHMC meeting.

Old Business
Harbormaster Donch reported that Francis Falck contacted Mr. Popiel.  Mr. Popiel does not have available docking space for the Robert G.
The Commission will continue its review of the Harbor Management Plan Revisions at future meetings.

New Business
There was no new business presented.

Other Business
There was no other business presented.

Public Comment
Mr. David Forbes, Pawcatuck River Harbormaster, invited Commission members, Harbormaster Donch and Deputy Harbormaster Lennon to attend the Pawcatuck River Harbor Commission meeting scheduled for October 12, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. at the Edith K. Rich Home on Sisk Drive.  Mr. Forbes explained that the Pawcatuck River Harbor Commission is creating a harbor plan and would appreciate the assistance of experienced people.

Mr. Medeiros made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m.  Mr. Geary seconded the motion and it was so voted.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Vermilya, Chairman