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12-08-05 Minutes
December 8, 2005

        Chairman Dilley called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.  Those present at this meeting of the Pawcatuck River Harbor Management Commission, held at the Edythe K. Richmond Homes Community Building were:

        Mr. Scott Dilley, Chairman                 Mr. Bernie Chalecki, Regular Member
        Mrs. Joyce Ballou, Regular Member     Dr. Richard Berman
        Mr. Steven Schaub, Alternate               Mr. David Forbes, Ex-officio Member

Absent this evening was Secretary George Smith.  Chairman Dilley appointed Mr. Schaub as a voting member in his absence.

        The November minutes were reviewed and Mrs. Ballou made a motion to accept them as is.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Schaub.  Motion passed unanimously.

        The Harbormaster’s report was read by Mr. Forbes.  It was reported that no monies were collected for mooring fees.  The topic of a filing fee for those applying for a mooring was discussed.  Mr. Forbes advised that his contact at DOT concurred with such a fee.  However, this would have to be approved and submitted via this Commission.  The Harbormaster is not allowed to handle monies collected.  All must be through the Commission.  

        As requested at last month’s meeting, Mr. Forbes inspected the proposed dock along the river.  He advises against it as detailed in his report to this Commission.  Dr. Berman made a motion to accept the Harbormaster’s report, seconded by Mr. Chalecki.  Motion passed unanimously.

        Discussion followed concerning reimbursement of Mr. Forbes’ out of pocket expenses in his job as harbormaster.   Much conversation stemmed around the state statute interpretation.

        There was a review of the sample mooring permit application included in the Harbormaster’s report.  This item was tabled for further discussion/review.

        There were no reports from local, state or federal representatives.  Chairman Dilley reported that the only expense this month was for clerical service.  Dr. Berman made a motion to accept the Finance Report, seconded by Mr. Schaub.  Motion passed unanimously.

        Chairman Dilley passed around the only piece of correspondence, Docko, Inc.’s proposal for stone wall rehabilitation at Pawcatuck River Park.

        Chairman Dilley incorporated the changes agreed on at the November meeting into the Plan, and they will be viewed online, as well as projected at the next meeting.  He will also incorporate the Harbormaster’s input as well.  Chairman Dilley requested that members concentrate particularly on the No Wake Zone issue for next month’s meeting.

        Chairman Dilley reported that as yet he is unaware of any possible candidates for the vacant Alternate position.  He again asked for any possibilities.

        The position of Deputy Harbormaster was discussed.  Procedures to follow for making the public aware of this new position will be investigated.

        Under New Business Mr. Schaub made a motion to elect Mr. George Smith for the position of Secretary to this Commission.  Motion was seconded by Mrs. Ballou and passed unanimously.  

        Mr. Chalecki made a motion to elect Mr. Scott Dilley for Chairman for 2006.  Dr. Berman seconded, and it passed unanimously.
        There being no further business, motion to adjourn at 8:25 pm was made by Mrs. Ballou, seconded by Mr. Chalecki, and passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

George Smith, Secretary