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10-13-05 Minutes
Chairman Dilley called the meeting to order at 7:06pm.

Those present at this meeting of the Pawcatuck River Harbor Management Commission held at the Edythe K. Richmond Homes Community Building were:  Scott Dilley, Chairman; Joyce Ballou, Regular Member; George M. Smith, Secretary;      David Forbes, ex-officio, was also present.
Absent were Bernard Chalecki, Regular Member, Steven Schaub and Garry Preble, Alternates

The September minutes were reviewed.  Mrs. Ballou made a motion to accept the minutes as is.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Smith and passed unanimously.

The Harbormaster’s report was read by Mr. Forbes.  A brief discussion followed.  Mrs. Ballou made a motion to accept the Harbormaster’s report, seconded by Mr. Smith.  Motion passed unanimously.

There were no reports from local, state or federal representatives.

Chairman Dilley read the commission’s finance report.  Mr. Smith made a motion to accept the Finance Report as read, seconded by Mrs. Ballou.  Motion passed unanimously.

Correspondence consisted of the 2006 Regular Meeting Schedule and Chairman Dilley’s email to the Selectman’s office regarding renewal of terms for Mr. Chalecki, Chairman Dilley and Mr. Preble.  Terms expire this month.  

It was decided that meetings would continue to be held on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm.  Chairman Dilley advised that he had spoken to Mr. Preble, and was advised that he no longer wished to serve on this commission.  Therefore, there is an opening for an alternate and Chairman Dilley asked for possible candidates.

Under Old Business, Chairman Dilley passed around Mr. Schaub’s write-up on the duties of the harbormaster.  It was agreed that it be inserted into the section of the Plan on this subject.

Minor revisions were made to the Plan to enforce continuity and easy reading.  These changes will be posted on the Commission’s website.

Chairman Dilley requested that members review the policies and recommendations in the Plan, checking for validity and completeness. Mrs. Ballou made a motion to accept changes made to the Plan this evening.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Under New Business, Harbormaster Forbes brought up the issue of floating homes on the river and the health issues associated with it.  He also revisited the donation of a boat for the harbormaster.  There is a specific boat in mind. Chairman Dilley advised that the Commission could not accept the boat, but directed Mr. Forbes to the Selectman’s office.

There were two new pieces of correspondence received.  Mrs. Ballou made a motion to accept these under new business.  Mr. Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  The first piece of correspondence dealt with obstructions in the Providence River, which had nothing to do with this Commission.  The second was a certificate received from the CT Harbor Management Commission.  This “Commission in Process” is now a member

There being no further business, motion to adjourn at 8:34 p.m. was made by Mrs. Ballou, seconded by Mr. Smith, and passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

George Smith, Secretary