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10-05-06 Minutes
The Mystic Harbor Management Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, October 5, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Fourth District Voting Hall.  Committee members present were Chairman David Carreau, Lou Allyn, Oliver Wilson, Jack Lee, Richard Lotz and Fred Allard.  Harbormaster Paul Watts was present.

Chairman Carreau called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
The Commission said the pledge of allegiance.

Approval of Minutes
Mr. Allyn made a motion to accept the August 3, 2006 minutes. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

Unauthorized Moorings - Harbormaster’s Mooring
Moorings have been moved for Mr. Ted Sullivan and the Harbormaster. The Noank Village Shipyard will send the bill to Chairman Carreau. A note will be sent to the people who donated the mooring for the harbormaster.

Harbormaster Watts will call the prosecutor regarding the status of the derelict Murphy boat.  Harbormaster Watts will investigate a complaint that an unregistered catamaran is now on the marsh next to the Murphy boat.

Harbormaster Watts deposited $120.00 to the MHMC account at Town Hall.  This should be the last of the 2006 mooring fees.

Derelict Boat – CT 2553 AL 03 - Mongoose
Mongoose is currently located off Allyn’s Alley, Masons Island.  After reviewing a letter written by Groton Harbormaster Giblin detailing the history of Mongoose, Mr. Allyn will contact the owner relative to removal.

Harbormaster Appointments
Mr. Allyn reported that the Governor’s office is working on appointments.  Harbormaster Watts and the Commission will think about the most effective harbormaster structure for the Mystic River.

Dredging of Federal Channel – Funding - Runoff
The bill funding $400,000.00 for dredging awaits passage by the U.S. Senate.  Chairman Carreau pointed out that runoff of toxic metals from fireworks displays and highway waters are contributing to dredging disposal problems.

Reckless Operation Recording Form – Beacon Measurements
The recording form will be distributed to area marinas, Commission members, and available on the Town Website.  The Morgan Point beacon measurements have been taken for posting a no wake sign next spring.  Mr. Allyn will draft wording.

Fairway Buoys
Mr. Allyn is working with Masons Island Marina.

Mooring Float Policy – Ledger/McGugan
Chairman Carreau will check the status of the Ledger dock.

DEP – Public Access – Old Mystic – Sign Wording
The DEP requires the builder to put up public access signs before the dock permit is approved.  The Commission has given suggested wording to the builder.

Kayak Trail
Mr. Joe Taylor has written a book about kayaking on local waters.  Mr. Allyn will not pursue DEP grant funding for his kayak brochure. Mr. Allyn is working with Mr. Taylor to aid kayakers.

“Rock” Buoy at Morgan Point
Mr. Allyn will E-mail Mr. Ed O’Donnell of the Army Corps of Engineers and ask for the soundings of the area northeast of the Morgan Point beacon.

Permit #200600567 – GC - Michas
Mr. Allard made a motion that the Commission reviewed without comment the permit to repair the existing dock.  Mr. Wilson seconded the motion.  Chairman Carreau, Mr. Lotz, and Mr. Lee voted for the motion.  Mr. Allyn abstained.

CHMA Annual Banquet
Chairman Carreau, Harbormaster Watts, Mr. Lee and Mr. Allyn will attend the October 19, 2006 event held in Branford.

Mooring Renewal Letter
Harbormaster Watts is drafting a letter for the 2007 season.  It will state a requirement that for moorings to be marked with their identifying number.

Winter Moorings
Thoughts on suitable winter sticks were requested.

Mr. Wilson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.  Mr. Lotz seconded the motion and it was so voted.

Respectfully submitted,

David Carreau, Chairman