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04-06-06 Minutes
The Mystic Harbor Management Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, April 6, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Fourth District Voting Hall.  Commission members present were:  Chairman David Carreau, Lou Allyn, Richard Lotz, Oliver Wilson, Jack Washburn, Jack Lee and Fred Allard.  Harbormaster Paul Watts was present.

Call to Order
Chairman Carreau called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
The Commission said the pledge of allegiance.

Fairway Buoys
Mr. Jack Morehouse of Masons Island Marina requested marking of the fairway south of the transient anchorage area.  Boaters trying to get out to the channel have experienced conflicts with anchored boats in the “T-2” transient anchorage area.  The Commission will consider options for marking the channel and make contact with other marinas which use this fairway.

Public Safety – Docks
Mr. Greg Gilmartin of Mystv Studios spoke about videos shown at local hotels to entertain, inform and inspire tourists.  He explained that Mystv Studios would be willing to work with the Commission pro bono to include water safety awareness information.  The Commission tabled discussion of this proposal and a draft letter on public safety.

Approval of Minutes
Mr. Allyn made a motion to accept the February 2, 2006 minutes.  Mr. Wilson seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by the Commission.

Masons Island Yacht Club COP
Mr. Allard made a motion that the Commission reviewed without comment the certificate of permission to repair the existing dock.  Mr. Washburn seconded the motion and it was so voted.

CT Raised Bill No. 5658 – Removal of Abandoned Vessels
On March 6, 2006, Chairman Carreau and First Selectman Brown attended a Senate hearing at the Department of Transportation for consideration of proposed Bill No. 5658, revising existing sections of the Connecticut General Statues.  On April 4, 2006, Chairman Carreau and Harbormaster Watts attended a working meeting entitled Abandoned Boat Management, in the DEP-Old Lyme facility.  The following organizations were present:  CT-DOT/Mystic River Harbormaster/Mystic Harbor Management Commission/DEP Boating Division/CT EN—CON Police/DEP-OLISP/DEP-BOR/DEP Legal Affairs. (13 attendees total)  The history of derelict boats in the Mystic River was summarized starting with the Murphy boat court appearance in 2002.  Recent steps taken were the letter to William Brown, First Selectman from David Carreau, Mystic Harbor Management Commission, on derelict boat problems which was forwarded to CT Senator Cathy Cook.  A draft of Bill No. 5658 was prepared by the CT DOT legal staff.  A prepared statement was made at the CT Senate Hearing on March 6, 2006 by David Carreau and William Brown.  A request was then made by the First Selectman to the CT Transportation Committee to incorporate a new section in the General Statutes entitled “Removal of Abandoned and Derelict Vessels”.  The object was to prevent towns from being liable from the vessels owners.  The outcome of this meeting was to proceed with a two pronged approach.  First, meet the coming May deadline with the intent of the words provided by Stonington into the Connecticut General Statutes.  Longer term, revise Conn. Gen. Stats. (Sections 15-9, 15-11a, and 15-140c) into an up to date section which includes the immediate revision.

Brewer’s Marina Request
Mr. Allyn made a motion that the Commission reviewed without comment the request for replacing the existing wood bulkhead with sheet piling.  Mr. Allard seconded the motion and it was so voted.

St. Patrick’s Day Request
Chairman Carreau received an informal request for dying the Mystic River green to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.  Chairman Carreau said that he didn’t feel it would be appropriate in light of efforts to keep the river clean and to work effectively with the Shellfish Commission.

Long Island Sound Initiative – Federal Bill  No. 307
The Commission tabled discussion of the proposed House of Representatives bill until further review.

Fairway Buoys - NITA – CT 8487X 05
Harbormaster Watts will ask the owner, Mr. Ted Sullivan, for his records relative to his moored in the fairway prior to the “grandfather” date of May, 1995.  It is necessary that this mooring be moved with the marking of the fairway.

Permit Renewals 2006
There are 33 renewal applications that have not been returned to Harbormaster Watts.  He will call to inform the applicants that their applications are delinquent and that he has a waiting list of approximately 40 requests.

Dredging of Federal Channel
Mr. Allyn said that the Army Corps of Engineers accepted the application for maintenance dredging of the Mystic River.  Mr. Michael Walsh has been assigned to the project.  Additionally, Connecticut is proposing  Bill No. 239 to authorize a bond for creating a dredging plan.  Bill No. 662 has also been introduced concerning dredging.  The increased Connecticut activity will be helpful in obtaining federal funding.

Public Dinghy Dock – Jailhouse Point
Construction of the dock is complete.  Chairman Carreau will check as to where the rules and regulations sign could be placed.

Reckless Boat Operation
Mr. Allyn is waiting for comments from Noank Harbormaster Giblin and Noank Harbor Commissioner Bates on the proposed draft form for witnesses to document the reckless operation of boaters.  This will provide credibility during their interview with the DEP Enforcement Officer.

Kayak Trail
Mr. Allyn has completed the draft kayak brochure and will bring it to Mystic Seaport for comments.  It is expected that an application for Long Island Sound Grant Funds can be submitted in June.

Buoy West Of Masons Island Marina
The can has been moved north along the west edge of the federal channel.  This leaves the ledge west of the marina gas dock unmarked.

Mr. Wilson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m.  Mr. Lotz seconded the motion and it was so voted.

Respectfully submitted,

David Carreau, Chairman