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02-02-06 Minutes

The Mystic Harbor Management Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, February 2, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Fourth District Voting Hall.  Commission members present were:  Chairman David Carreau, Lou Allyn, Richard Lotz, Oliver Wilson, Jack Washburn, and Jack Lee.  Harbormaster Paul Watts was present.

Call to Order
Chairman Carreau called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
The Commission said the pledge of allegiance.

Approval of Minutes
Mr. Wilson made a motion to accept the January 5, 2006 minutes.  Mr. Allyn seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by the Commission.

Live Aboard
RI 9437 P – Mr. Allyn spoke with Mr. Garrett Bush IV (cell phone 860-460-8125), owner of the Hunter 430 anchored southwest of Masons Island.  Mr. Bush confirmed that he is aware of the no discharge regulation.  He will be heading to Block Island in a few weeks.

Harbormaster’s Mooring
Both the Mystic and Groton Harbor Commissions have no objection to establishing a mooring where boats in trouble could be tied up and controlled.  Harbormaster Watts will look for a location.

CT 2553 AL 03
Court action is still pending.  Prosecutor Robert Manley has been in contact with Harbormaster Watts.

Permit Renewals 2006
Harbormaster Watts mailed 204 personal and 4 commercial mooring applications on Tuesday, January 31, 2006.  He expressed his appreciation to Mr. Lou Allyn for his efforts updating the database.  Also, all applications under Harbormaster Rufus Allyn have been mailed.

Dredging of Federal Channel
Mr. Allyn sent a letter dated January 22, 2006, to area marinas requesting financial information that can be used to strengthen the case for the economic benefits of maintenance dredging of the Mystic River.  The Commission discussed the turning basin “H”.  It has become populated with moorings since being dredged in 1957.  The Army Corps has remarked that we would have to remove them for dredging.  Discussion evolved into the thought of splitting area “H” into a west half to regain the original intent and an east half to grandfather the existing authorized moorings.  An ideal situation would be to dredge a congested bend area on the western side of the channel in compensation for the east half of “H”.
Public Dinghy Dock – Jailhouse Point
Chairman Carreau will check with Docko, Inc. regarding the construction of the dock.  The state grant has been extended once and will expire in May 2006.

Reckless Boat Operation
The form for witnesses to document the reckless operation of boaters will include the procedure for reporting to the State DEP Marine Enforcement Division.  When finalized, the form will be available on the Town website for downloading.

No Wake Sign
Measurements will be taken for the sign to be posted on Morgan Point Light as soon as weather permits.

Fairway Buoys
The Commission will invite Mr. Jack Morehouse to attend an MHMC meeting for guidance on placing Fairway markers south of the T-2 transient anchorage area.  Harbormaster Watts will work with the owner of NITA CT 8487 X 05 to relocate its mooring from this fairway.

Mooring Float Policy – Ledger/McGugan
Mr. Ledger’s dock application was sent to the DEP and the Commission.  The proposed dock will have the desired effect of eliminating the only mooring float in the Commission’s area.

Kayak Trail
Mr. Allyn was informed by Ms. Kate Brown of the DEP that Long Island Sound Grant Funds are not presently available.  Mr. Allyn suggested that an alternative to grant funding might be a jointly sponsored project by the Mystic River Historical Society, Marine Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and the MHMC.

Name for Bay East of Masons Island
An old chart identified the area as “Rat Cove”.  The Commission continues to look for more suggested names.

Public Safety on Docks
Chairman Carreau will draft a letter regarding public safety at docks.  Commission members discussed life rings, tethered lines, ladders, temporary guard lines, etc.

Mr. Wilson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.  Mr. Lee seconded the motion and it was so voted.

Respectfully submitted,

David Carreau, Chairman