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01-05-06 Minutes
The Mystic Harbor Management Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, January 5, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Fourth District Voting Hall.  Commission members present were:  Chairman David Carreau, Richard Lotz, Oliver Wilson, Jack Washburn, Jack Lee, Lou Allyn and Fred Allard.  Harbormaster Paul Watts was present.  Student Britney Higgins was present.

Call to Order
Chairman Carreau called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
The Commission said the pledge of allegiance.

Approval of Minutes
Mr. Wilson made a motion to accept the December 1, 2005 minutes.  Mr. Lee seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by the Commission.

Chairman Carreau reminded Commission members that they must be sworn in at Town Hall to renew their appointment terms.

Derelict Boats
Harbormaster Watts had requested a mooring where boats in trouble could be tied up and controlled.  Attorney Cronin is in favor of this approach.  Harbormaster Watts requested that Commission members be on the lookout for derelicts before they have sunk in order to take preemptive action.
CT 1194 AL 06 –  Attorney Day provided a letter authorizing the boat’s removal as no one claimed ownership.  The Commission thanks Mystic Shipyard East and First Selectman Brown for their participation in the removal process.
CT 2553 AL 03-  Court action is still pending.

Unauthorized Moorings
RI 9437 P – Three certified letters have been mailed to Mr. Garrett Bush IV, registered owner of inflatable RI 1423 S, which is tied to the live aboard anchored southwest of Masons Island.  To date, one of the letters has been returned as undeliverable.

Permit Renewals 2006
Harbormaster Watts and Mr. Allyn will update the database before mailing the 2006 mooring applications.

Dredging of Federal Channel
Mr. Allyn has drafted an Army Corps Application stating the economic benefits of dredging the Mystic River based on the tourist economy.  He will ask for comments from Mr. Ed O’Donnell of the Army Corps of Engineers, the Marine Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Paul Bates, Groton Harbor Commission and report back to the Commission.

Public Dinghy Dock – Jailhouse Point
The Town has received bids for construction of the public dinghy dock.  The Commission is awaiting the Planning Department’s action.

Reckless Boat Operation
The form for witnessses to document the reckless operation of boaters is drafted.  This form is necessary when being interviewed by the enforcement officer of the DEP.  The draft forms will be commented on by the Marine Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Commerce.
The sign to be posted on Morgan Point Light will include the words “no wake” along with the applicable state statute and the 6 mph speed limit.

Fairway Buoys – NITA – CT 8487 X 05
Harbormaster Watts will send notice with the mooring application to the owner regarding relocating the mooring from the Fairway south of the T-2 transient anchorage area.

Mooring Float Policy – Ledger/McGugan
Chairman Carreau received a call from Mr. Smith who is completing the DEP application for the Ledger dock.  Mr. Smith wanted to confirm that the mooring platform can be used until the dock is constructed.  The renewal application will be sent to Mr. Ledger.

Pumpout Boat
Chairman Carreau received a bill for $4,399.00 from the Town of Groton for 2005 costs.  The Commission will pay $1,500.00 per its December 2, 1999 commitment.

Name for Bay East of Masons Island
Chairman Carreau is looking for more suggested names.  He recommended that the final selection have some reference to the applicable navigation charts.

Mr. Lee made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m.  Mr. Washburn seconded the motion and it was so voted.

Respectfully submitted,

David Carreau, Chairman