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12-07-06 Minutes
Mystic Harbor Management Commission
December 7, 2006
The Mystic Harbor Management Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, December 7, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Fourth District Voting Hall.  Commission members present were:  Chairman David Carreau, Lou Allyn, Oliver Wilson, Jack Washburn, Richard Lotz, Jack Lee and Fred Allard.  Harbormaster Paul Watts was present.  Noank Harbor Management Commission Chairman Paul Bates was present.
Call to Order
Chairman Carreau called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
The Commission said the pledge of allegiance.
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Lee made a motion to accept the November 2, 2006 minutes.  Mr. Wilson seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by the Commission.
“Rock” at Morgan Point – Channel Buoy
Mr. Bates referred to the Mystic Chamber of Commerce Marine Affairs Committee November 16, 2006 letter to Lt. Miller, USCG.  Mr. Bates believes a buoy to identify the shoal would cut down the passage way in this very congested area.  He will talk to Keith Neilson of the Marine Affairs Committee.
Derelict Boats –Mongoose (Maroon Sloop Abt 28’)
Mongoose remains aground in Harbormaster Bob Tabor’s jurisdiction on the marsh north of Andrews Island on the mainland.  The owner, Mr. Fred Lesieur of Springfield, MA, told Mr. Allyn that he will abandon it.  Harbormaster Tabor must obtain Mr. Lesieur’s written statement before the Town can become involved.
CT 2553 AL 03
Derelict boat CT 2553 AL 03 has still not been abandoned by its owner, Mr. Murphy.
Pumpout Boat
The Commission will contribute $1500.00 to the pumpout boat when a statement from the Town of Groton is received.
Reckless Operation Beacon Sign
The Morgan Point “No Wake” signs are available and will be put up in the Spring.
Bill No. 5658 – Abandoned Vessels-Public Act No. 06-121
Chairman Carreau and First Selectman Brown met with Attorney Londregan to discuss the Town’s liability with derelict boats now that Public Act No. 06-121 is signed into law.  Attorney Londregan will draft a revision to the Conn. Gen. Stats. §15-a3 in preparation for the next work session with the CT-DEP and other agencies.
Float Lift for Jail House Point Dock
Options for protecting the float during the winter were discussed.  The Commission will inspect the existing hardware to determine what action to take.
Shoreline Protection COP #05-10-1749 TOWNSEND
Mr. Allyn made a motion that the Commission reviewed without comment the permit for work on the shoreline.  Mr. Lotz seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Regular Meeting Schedule for 2007
Mr. Oliver made a motion that the Commission agrees to meet the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Fourth District Voting Hall.  Mr. Lee seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
Amtrak Bridge Maintenance
Docko forwarded an E-mail regarding closing the Amtrak Railroad Bridge for maintenance on February 2, 3 and 4, 2007.  Mr. Washburn made a motion that the Commission has no objection.  Mr. Allard seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
Harbormaster’s Report
Harbormaster Watts reported that the Mooring Waiting List with 52 names is posted at Town Hall.  He will mail out mooring renewal letters in January, 2007.
He called the USCG requesting that Can Nos. 27 and 29 be placed in their historically correct positions to maintain the channel width.  The USCG agreed to do this in Spring, 2007.
Harbormaster Watts reported that the Groton harbormasters met with the Groton Assistant Town Manager to explain their duties and better coordinate efforts to manage the waterfront.  Chairman Carreau will talk to First Selectman Brown about a similar meeting with the Stonington harbormasters.
Mr. Wilson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.  Mr. Washburn seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Respectfully submitted,
David Carreau, Chairman