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07-15-09 Minutes


July 15, 2009




            The Board of Finance held a special meeting on this date at the Wequetequock Fire Department meeting room.  Members present were Glenn Frishman, Chairman; Dudley Wheeler; John O’Brien; Bryan Bentz and Kevin Burns.   Andrew Rines was absent.  Also present Maryanna Stevens, Director of Finance and Town of Stonington staff.


Mr. Frishman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.



Previous minutes

Mr. Wheeler made a motion to accept the minutes of the June meeting. 

 Mr. O’Brien seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.


Director of Finance

Mrs. Stevens informed the members that the Y/E revenue is short $166,000.  She is waiting on an estimated $100,000 from SCRRRA.  There is currently $700,000 available from Y/E expenditures.


Jason Jones, IT Manager was present to provide for the members a breakdown of the overages pertaining to his budget transfer request at the June meeting.  Mr. Jones stated that he is expecting a $5 to 6,000 credit from AT&T.  He added that the storms have caused increased expenses. After a brief discussion, members asked for a more detailed explanation of why each of the accounts is over.  


Budget Transfer

Request from Edward Haberek Jr. First Selectman regarding notification by Director of Public Works Joe Bragaw on June 25th that the 6,000 gallon diesel tank was at only 400 gallons.  More fuel was necessary before the end of the fiscal year.  Mr. O’Brien made a motion to approve the budget transfer of $7000.00 from account #10125-80371- Property & Liability to #10151-80202-Diesel fuel.  Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.


Mr. Bragaw along with Lou Dicesare, Highway Supervisor discussed with the members the damage from the July 1 storm.  Mr. Bragaw provided a spreadsheet of the up-to-date costs incurred.  He added that State and FEMA reimbursements have been requested.  Mr. Wheeler asked about Aquarion opening the dam gates, which in turn caused damage to Town roads.  Mr. Bragaw stated that he is looking into why this happened.  Mr. Frishman suggested contacting the Town attorney on Aquarions culpability. 



Bid Waiver

Letter from Joe Bragaw requesting a change of contractor and bid waiver for the Pavement Treatments.  Mr. Bragaw was contacted by Wescon who offered to do the work for the same price as the originally approved contractor.  Mr. Bragaw is happy to support a local business and doesn’t foresee any problems in going with Wescon.  Mr. Bragaw also provided a letter from Thomas Londregan the Town Attorney supporting this.  Mr. Burns made a motion to approve the bid waiver for Wescon to perform the pavement treatment work. Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.


Mr. Phetteplace, Solid Waste Manager requests a bid waiver to purchase a pickup truck from the State bid list.  He would also like permission to use the remaining funds to purchase a second pickup.  Mr. O’Brien made a motion to approve the bid waiver for a 2009 Ford F250 and to approve replacement of the 1998 Ford F250.  Mr. Bentz seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.



BOE transfers

McGladrey & Pullen audit plan letter


Mr. Frishman stated that he and Mr. Rines met with WPCA regarding the Infiltration/Inflow study.  They feel this is a wise course to take.  He added that their will be a Joint meeting on July 28, 2009 to discuss further.


Subcommittee reports

Mr. O’Brien stated that the School building committee appears to be holding things up with regard to closing the High School project.  Mrs. Stevens added that there is $41,000 left over and there are no invoices outstanding.  Mr. O’Brien stated that he would speak with the BOE Chairman to get this closed out.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Wheeler made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Burns seconded the motion and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:25 p.m.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,



                                                                        Andrew W. Rines

lp                                                                     Secretary