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09-02-09 Minutes


September 2, 2009




            The Board of Finance held a regular meeting on this date at the Police Department meeting room.  Members present were Glenn Frishman, Chairman; Andrew Rines, Secretary; Dudley Wheeler; John O’Brien; Bryan Bentz and Kevin Burns.    Also present Maryanna Stevens, Director of Finance; First Selectman Edward Haberek and Town of Stonington staff and residents.


Mr. Frishman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Previous minutes

Mr. Wheeler made a motion to accept the minutes of the July 15 meeting and the July 28 meeting with an amendment to the signature block.   Mr. O’Brien seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.


Budget Transfers/ Old Business

*See attached*


After a brief discussion, Mr. Wheeler made a motion to approve #1 and #’s 3 through 7.  Mr. Burns seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.  Members tabled item #2 as they were unhappy with the presented IT Operating budget explanation for overages and requested from Jason Jones, IT Manager an explanation of each variance by line of the whole budget showing a specific reason for the overage.


Mrs. Stevens stated that she has been working with George Sylvestre, Director of Administrative Services and Risk Manager a fund balance policy.  Members agreed to the importance of this and asked that something be prepared for further discussion at the October meeting. 


At this time, Mr. Frishman asked for the members vote on adding an item to the agenda, a bid waiver request from William King, Operations Manager as SPS.  Mr. Rines made a motion to accept the agenda amendment, Mr. Burns seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.  Mr. King provided for the members information requesting a bid waiver for leasing of computers for Stonington Public Schools. The supplier either is the sole source or was the low bid award on State contracts.  Mr. Rines made a motion to approve the bid waiver for an expanded lease for Apple, Inc. and a new lease for Hewlett Packard.  Mr. Burns seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.

New Business

            Clean Energy Task force “Greening” Electricity request Mr. Haberek asked that this item be tabled.

            Plan of Conservation & Development - Members received a memo from the First Selectman stating the POCD’s request for assistance in encouraging Boards and Commissions to provide a progress report and timetable to implement tasks that apply to each Board or Commission.  Each member also received a copy of the 2004 Plan of Conservation and Development.  After a brief discussion, members agreed to read further and to file comments to Glenn Frishman for a formal response. 

            Edythe K. Richmond Fire Alarm systems – Mrs. Stevens stated that there is currently $252, 612 available in CIP.   She had provided for members a list of funded projects that qualify for LoCIP, which would make available for transfer funding for the Fire alarm system, which does not qualify for LoCIP.  Mr. Wheeler asked why the Town is responsible to which First Selectman Haberek replied that the Town oversees the Stonington Housing Authority.  Mr. Burns confirmed that the current system used for the 17 buildings is very outdated and does not provide adequate safety for residents.  Alex Bazydlo, Executive Director stated that the quote received 3 years ago was for $145,900.  After a brief discussion members agreed to proceed with the RFP process.  Mr. Wheeler will represent the BOF to assist with development of specifications.  All members agreed.



First Selectman responded to a BOF letter regarding 911 call center relocation stating that he does not intend to move the 911 Call center out of the Police Station.

Response from Town Attorney Tom Londregan regarding line item control over the municipal budget for the Town of Stonington. 

Response from First Selectman to BOE Chairman Gail MacDonald regarding meeting to discuss a possible collaboration between the BOE, BOS and BOF.


Mrs. Stevens had provided for the members a copy of the July 1, 2009 normal costs (the employer’s monthly payroll contribution payments) from the State of Connecticut Municipal Employees Retirement System (MERS).  This applies solely to Police Officers.  Mrs. Stevens wished to make the members aware that  

due to the economic situation MERS members may be required to make additional contributions for the 2010-2011 fiscal year.


First Selectman Haberek informed the members that for 2010-2011 he would be adding $750.00 over COLA to the Assistant Assessor position salary.


Subcommittee reports

Mr. O’Brien stated that he does not know what the holdup is with the High School, members requested that a letter be sent asking the BOE and School Building Committee to accept the building and wrap it up.  


Mr. Burns stated that he would like to see the Board of Finance members have email addresses to handle the correspondence and requests .  First Selectman Haberek relpied that he would have Jason Jones, IT Manager take care of this.


Mr. Burns also voiced his concern over the nearing retirement of George Sylvestre, long time Director of Administrative Services.  He suggested hiring someone for the interim to learn the ropes. 



There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Wheeler made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Burns seconded the motion and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:28 p.m.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,



                                                                        Andrew W. Rines

lp                                                                     Secretary